Empowering Lives: Wacam’s VSLA Contributors in Ayensukrom Invest In A Brighter Future 

With a total of about 105 members across three VSLA groups, each consisting of approximately 35 women, this collective force is a testament to the power of unity and determination.

Empowering Lives: Wacam’s VSLA Contributors in Ayensukrom Invest In A Brighter Future 
Yaa Baby has successfully built an impressive four-chamber hall facility through her involvement in the VSLA.
In the small community of Ayensukrom No. 2, near Bogoso in the Western Region, a remarkable story of empowerment and transformation is unfolding. Defying the odds, the women of Wacam's Ayensukrom No. 2 Village Savings and Loans Association (uniting 3 VSLA groups) have joined forces to shatter the cycles of poverty and marginalisation, paving the way for a brighter future.

With a total of about 105 members across three VSLA groups, each consisting of approximately 35 women, this collective force is a testament to the power of unity and determination.
 Together, they are breaking down barriers and building a better tomorrow, one savings plan at a time.
Through the VSLA programme, these women come together to save money, borrow funds, and support one another in their financial journeys. Recently, the group distributed share-outs to its members, and the impact has been remarkable.
Investing in Education
Many of the women have used their share-outs to invest in the education of their children, recognising the power of knowledge in shaping a brighter future. Some have paid school fees and bought textbooks for their children. 
“Investing in my daughter's education was a dream come true,' beams Mrs. Joyce Osei, a member of the VSLA Group 1.

As a proud member of the Ayensukrom VSLA Group 2, Mrs. Osei joined the scheme in 2017.  “What I love about the VSLA is the simplicity and ease of joining, as well as accessing loan facilities without cumbersome processes,” she noted.
With her share-out, she paid her daughter's tuition fees until she completed senior high school, a testament to the impact of collective action on individual lives.

Moreover, her latest share-out of GHC5,950 (including GHC650 interest) has empowered her to expand her business ventures, purchasing a new fufu-grinding machine to complement her already established palm-oil production. 
Article by Dennis Ato Keelson