Suaman MP Lands In Fresh Trouble For Refusing To Sponsor Educational Initiative Of Local Students! But He Denies Allegation

The constituents, led by concerned leaders of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), are unhappy with the NDC MP for his persistent refusal to sponsor the much-needed mock examinations for local students, instead allocating resources towards a GOAT GALA COMPETITION.

Suaman MP Lands In Fresh Trouble For Refusing To Sponsor Educational Initiative Of Local Students! But He Denies Allegation
Suaman MP Lands In Fresh Trouble
For Refusing To Sponsor Educational
 Initiative Of Local Students! But He
Denies Allegation
THE National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for Suaman Constituency in the Western North Region, Honorable Joseph Bertino, has incurred the wrath of his constituents for ignoring the educational initiative of local students, amidst tension and confusion in the constituency.

The constituents, led by concerned leaders of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), are unhappy with the NDC MP for his persistent refusal to sponsor the much-needed mock examinations for local students, instead allocating resources towards a GOAT GALA COMPETITION.
Their anger was contained in a strong worded press statement signed and issued by the Suaman Constituency Secretary of the NPP, Mr. Afoakwa Luckson Kwame, and copied to in Accra.
The statement could not fathom why the MP would deny sponsorship for students' mock exams and instead allocate funds for a goat gala competition, describing him as a failed MP.
In a recent development that has left the Suaman community in shock and dismay, the Member of Parliament, Honourable Joseph Bertino has come under fire for refusing to sponsor the much-needed mock examinations for local students, instead allocating resources towards a goat gala competition.
This decision has sparked widespread outrage, as it not only neglects the educational needs of the teeming youth but also disrespects the cultural values of Suaman land.
The mock examinations are a critical component of our students' academic journey, providing essential preparation for their final exams. By denying sponsorship for these district mock exams, the MP has undermined the future prospects of our students, putting their academic success and future opportunities at risk.
Adding to the controversy, the statement noted that the MP's decision to fund a goat gala competition is seen as a direct affront to the cultural traditions of Suaman. According to local customs, such activities involving goats are considered taboo and are strictly prohibited.
The statement asserted that this blatant disregard for our cultural values has deeply hurt and offended the community.
We, the NPP and concerned citizens of Suaman, demand immediate accountability and action from our MP.
It is imperative that our elected representatives prioritize the educational needs of our youth and respect the cultural heritage of our land.
We call on the MP to allocate the funds towards sponsoring the mock examinations for our students, publicly apologize to the community for the cultural insensitivity displayed by organizing the goat gala competition, and engage in a constructive dialogue with community leaders to ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future.
The statement added, "Our community deserves leadership that is responsive to our needs and respectful of our traditions. We urge all concerned citizens to join us in voicing our concerns and advocating for the betterment of our community."
Reacting to the allegations, the MP flatly denied all the allegations levelled against him by the members of the NPP, saying that it is true that he has rejected the sponsorship of mock examinations for the local students.
He affirmed that he sponsored mock examination for final year students at the junior high school which has commenced on Friday 14th June 2024, across all junior high schools in the constituency.
He maintained that sponsored a mock examination since almost three years he represented the people in Parliament
 to help prepare candidates for their final Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) as part of his commitment to supporting the students and ensuring their success.
He noted that evidence of the record from
the Ghana Education Service Directorate of 
the District Assembly showed that "l have used my personal money to sponsor the 
the mock examinations of this final-year candidates of the public schools in the constituency who will be writing the  Basic Education Certificate Examination.
The MP noted that his contribution to the education development of the local students in the constituency is unprecedented, adding that he used his personal money to sponsor vacation classes for the form one students who are at home in the area.
"These records are in Ghana Education Service Directorate of the District Assembly, so l dare these members of the NPP who making these unfounded allegations should check from the education directorate of the Assembly," the MP stressed.
On the allegations of him sponsoring goat gala competition, the MP stressed that he has no hand in the sponsorship of the event m
"l never sponsored a goat gala competition. However being the MP of the area l was at the meeting when l have the called that the youth football teams had finished playing football gala competition and  they wanted me to come to talk to the youths."
"So l quickly went there with my constituency Secretary and that when l went there, they had event finished the gala competition and that the spectators of the event had even left the venue but it was left with two groups. So to talk to them. 
"I didn't even know that there is a goat that the orginasers are using to reward the best winner of the competition," the MP explained, calling on the general public to ignore the allegations levelled against him.