Madina MP Sweeps Three Awards In 2024 Alone; Recognized Locally And Globally For Human Rights Advocacy

Amidst jubilation, here is below accolades that have distinguished the hard working  NDC MP this year.

Madina MP Sweeps Three Awards In 2024 Alone; Recognized Locally And Globally For Human Rights Advocacy
The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (,MP) for Madina Constituency in the Greater Accra Region, Honourable Francis Xavier Sosu,has garnered local and international acclaim in 2024, winning multiple prestigious awards that highlight his unwavering commitment to human rights and advocacy.

Amidst jubilation, here is below accolades that have distinguished the hard working  NDC MP this year.
Outstanding Political Personality in Ghana 2024 by National Golden Excellence Awards Team, in Accra – May 2024 -  Sosu's impact transcends borders of Madina Constituency, earning him the title of Outstanding Political Personality in Ghana for 2024.
 This accolade underscores his influential role in shaping policy and championing social justice within the country. 
Most Outstanding African Parliamentarian 2024 in Human Rights and Advocacy by African Public Service (APSO) awards, in Accra – June 2024. -  Sosu's dedication to human rights has not gone unnoticed on the continent. 

His recognition as the Most Outstanding African Parliamentarian in Human Rights and Advocacy for 2024 highlights his pivotal contributions to legislative efforts that prioritize human dignity and equality across Africa. 
US Presidential Voluntary Service Award 2024 – (announced on June 21, 2024 and to be awarded on November 9, 2024). 
Jacobs-Abbey Global Institute of Leadership Studies in the USA nominated Hon. Sosu for the award and the nomination was approved by the Whitehouse on Juneteenth 2024. Internationally, the confirmation of Hon Sosu as recipient of US Presidential Voluntary Service Award for 2024 is a testament to his global impact in promoting volunteerism and community service beyond borders. 

A Legacy of Advocacy and Leadership Francis Xavier Sosu's achievements in 2024 reflect his steadfast commitment to advancing human rights and social justice, both locally and internationally. As a legal luminary turned parliamentarian, Sosu continues to spearhead initiatives that empower marginalized communities and uphold fundamental freedoms. 
These accolades not only celebrate Sosu's individual accomplishments but also serve as a beacon of hope for those advocating for a more just and equitable world. 
His leadership exemplifies the transformative power of legislative action combined with unwavering dedication to humanitarian causes. 
Hon Sosu's triumphant year in 2024 underscores his pivotal role as a leader in the fight for human rights and advocacy both in Ghana and across Africa.

 His awards serve as a testament to his relentless pursuit of justice and equality, inspiring a new generation of leaders to prioritize social responsibility and community service. 
Lawyer Sosu's impact extends far beyond legislative chambers, resonating profoundly in the hearts and minds of individuals worldwide who champion human dignity and compassion. 

Honourable Sosu is a Legislator, Human Rights Lawyer and Activist, an Author, He is immediate past 2nd Vice President of the United Nations Association of Ghana, but currently serves as Patron of the Cancer Project Foundation, Ghana, and Vice Chairman of the Trade and Investment Committee of Africa Bar Association (AfBA). 
Hon. Sosu also serves as deputy Ranking Member of the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana.
 As an MP,  Lawyer Sosu has introduced seventeen (17) Private Member’s Bills out of which three (3) have been passed, and one (1) receiving Presidential Assent to abolish Death Penalty in Ghana under the Criminal Offences Amendment Act. 

He also championed criminalization of witchcraft accusations in Ghana in protection of vulnerable aged women. 
His legislative interventions cover maternity leave extension and Paternity leave introduction; Bill to remove taxes on menstrual hygiene products such as sanitary pads; and clean air and climate change Bills; and Community Sentencing Bill, among others – a feat which has never before happened in the history of the parliament of Republic of Ghana.

Hon. Sosu’s Job creation project Madina Job Center has impacted over 7000 persons through job connections; apprenticeship and vocational training; agribusiness training for Youth in mushroom; Youth in ICT; Youth in Hairdressing; Youth in Fashion Design; and Rabbit and poultry production; among others. 

He also have interventions in Education which provides mechanized boreholes impacting over 35,000 pupils in his constituency and book supplies for improved literacy. 
His Health outreaches over three years impacted 10,000 constituents and more and has generally provided impactful selfless leadership which has become a model. 
He exemplifies the nexus between Servant Leadership, good governance and community impact.