Suspend Kofi Asante Now For Anti Party Conduct--NDC Akuapen North Executives Petition Eastern Regional And National Executives Committee

In a one page petition dated Monday July  1, 2024 by Akuapem North Constituency executives and copied to the Eastern Regional Executive Committee, National Executive Committee and office of the Flagbearer of the NDC, H.E John Dramani Mahama, the party noted that "We, the undersigned members of National Democratic Congress of good standing write to express our outrage and disappointment at the recent actions of our colleague, Mr. Kofi Asante."

Suspend Kofi Asante Now For Anti Party Conduct--NDC Akuapen North Executives Petition Eastern Regional And National Executives Committee
Supporters and members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Akuapem North Constituency in the Eastern Region have called on the national and regional leadership of the party to suspend Kofi Asante from the Akuapem North Constituency for alleged "anti-party behavior.

In a one page petition dated Monday July 
1, 2024 by the members and supporters of the NDC in the area led by Mr Godwin Azameti and
copied to the Eastern Regional Executive Committee, National Executive Committee and office of the Flagbearer of the NDC, H.E John Dramani Mahama, they noted that "We, the undersigned members of National Democratic Congress of good standing write to express our outrage and disappointment at the recent actions of our colleague, Mr. Kofi Asante."
The petition which is in possession of, reads in part" It has come
 to our attention that Mr. Kofi Asante was caught advising young people in Larteh–Akuapem not to exercise their democratic right to peaceful protest against the ruling  government of their  bad roads which is a death trap. 
The petition indicated that this behavior is unacceptable and contradictory to our party's values and principles.
The petition noted that "As members of the opposition, it is our collective duty to encourage and support citizens in holding those in power accountable, not to suppress their voices especially with regards to social amenities such as roads."
The petition, therefore, demanded the immediate suspension of Mr. Kofi Asante
 from all party activities and membership. 
"We believe this action is necessary to uphold our party's values and integrity, demonstrate our commitment to democratic principle and  restore public trust and confidence in our party. We urge you to take swift and decisive action on this matter," the petition ended.
However information available to Soireenews.
com indicates that the leadership of the part in the regional and constituency levels were reported to have been aware of the anti-party behavior of Mr Asante.
The sources closed to the constituency disclosed that the constituency chairman has confirmed to have received the petition from the petitioners.
Below is the full unedited statement
 July 1, 2024
Dear Constituency Chairman, 
We, the undersigned members of National Democratic Congress of good standing write to express our outrage and disappointment at the recent actions of our colleague, *Mr. Kofi Asante.
It has come to our attention that *Mr. Kofi Asante* was caught advising young people in Larteh–Akuapem not to exercise their democratic right to peaceful protest against the ruling  government of their  bad roads which is a death trap. 
This behavior is unacceptable and contradictory to our party's values and principles. As members of the opposition, it is our collective duty to encourage and support citizens in holding those in power accountable, not to suppress their voices especially with regards to social amenities such as roads. 
Therefore, we demand the immediate suspension of *Mr. Kofi Asante* from all party activities and membership. We believe this action is necessary to:
1. Uphold our party's values and integrity
2. Demonstrate our commitment to democratic principles
3. Restore public trust and confidence in our party
We urge you to take swift and decisive action on this matter.
Azameti Godwin, 
Alex Sakyi, 
1) Regional Executive Committee, 
2) National Executive Committee, 
3) Office of the Flagbearer–H.E John Dramani Mahama.