Mahama Pays Visit To National Chief Imam

The visit, which took place at the Chief Imam’s residence, was in connection with the annual celebration of Eid-Al-Adha, where the former president presents funds, food items, and a cow to support the Chief Imam and the Muslim communities in general.

Mahama Pays Visit To National Chief Imam
THE National Chief Imam of Ghana, Dr. Sheick Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, on Friday, June 28, 2024 received a special visit from H.E. John Dramani Mahama, the flag bearer and leader of the National Democratic Congress. 

The visit, which took place at the Chief Imam’s residence, was in connection with the annual celebration of Eid-Al-Adha, where the former president presents funds, food items, and a cow to support the Chief Imam and the Muslim communities in general.

During the visit in the aftermath of the celebration, H.E. John Dramani Mahama reiterated his promise to reduce the high cost of Hajj, which currently stands at GH₵75,000, noting the significant increase from GH₵11,500 during his previous term. Additionally, he reaffirmed his pledge to introduce an extra holiday for Muslims as part of the Eid-Al-Fitr celebration at the end of Ramadan.

The National Chief Imam expressed his appreciation for the visit and commended H.E. Mahama for his compassion towards Muslims. He applauded Mahama’s plans to alleviate the hardships faced by the Muslim community and prayed for Allah's guidance and blessings for H.E. Mahama and his good intentions for the nation.
H.E. Mahama's generosity extended further with a visit to Ishawu Yaro, a victim of the Ayawaso West Wago by-election violence, where he presented a television set and a deep freezer, assuring that he would ensure the implementation of compensation as recommended by the Emile Short Commission of Inquiry following the by-election.
The former President continued his visit to Ibrahim Yorkor, the Greater Accra Regional Security Coordinator of the NDC, to offer condolences for the recent passing of his mother.
Key members of the NDC National Zongo Caucus accompanied H.E. Mahama, including National Zongo Caucus Coordinator Alhaji Cole Younger, his deputy Alhaji Yahya Kondow, Okai Kwei Central Parliamentary candidate Alhaji Baba Sadik, Member of Parliament for Okai Kwei North Hon. Theressa Lardi Awuni, and National Zongo Caucus Communication Director Alhaji Mohammed Naziru Other members present were Alhaji Masawudu Abubakar, Alhaji Nuruden Mahamed, Alhaji Fidaus Mubarak, Alhaji Ashkar, Hajia Kandey Majesty, Hon. Alijata Suleyman, Hajia Rabiyatu Halidu, and Hajia Nadiya Alhassan. The presence of the Zongo Caucus members underscored the significance of Mahama’s visit and his commitment to the welfare of Muslims in Ghana.
As the country readies for the upcoming elections, H.E.Mahama’s visit to the National Chief Imam emphasizes his plans to unite and uplift all communities in the country, regardless of religion, and reinforces his commitment to creating a better and more inclusive Ghana for all citizens.