Ahmed Gedel Jabs EC For Poor Conduction Of Recent Limited Voter Registration Exercise

In a strong worded press statement copied to Soireenews.com, Mr Gedel who doubles as the United Nations Development Programme  (UNDP) representative of Ghana and Senior Accessibility Clerk officer of the New York State Board of Election, evaluated the Electoral Commission's management of the Recent Voter Registration Exercise in Ghana and outlined challenges and recommendations for improvement.

Ahmed Gedel Jabs EC For Poor Conduction Of Recent Limited Voter Registration Exercise
Former Technical Political Advisor (Biometric) Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) of the National Democratic Congress , Mr Ahmed M. Gedel,
THE Former Technical Political Advisor (Biometric) Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) , Mr Ahmed M. Gedel, has stated that the recently concluded Limited voter registration exercise in Ghana, supervised by the Electoral Commission (EC), has raised more questions than answers. 

In a strong worded press statement copied to Soireenews.com, Mr Gedel who doubles as the United Nations Development Programme  (UNDP) representative of Ghana and Senior Accessibility Clerk officer of the New York State Board of Election, evaluated the Electoral Commission's management of the Recent Voter Registration Exercise in Ghana and outlined challenges and recommendations for improvement.
He pointed out that despite the EC's efforts to ensure a successful exercise, several challenges and errors marred the process, casting doubts on the commission's ability to conduct free, fair, and transparent elections in 2024.
Firstly, he painted put that the EC's failure to account for the missing Biometric Voter registration kits(BVR/Ds) before the exercise commenced was a red flag.
According to the senior member of the NDC, this oversight compromised the integrity of the process and created an environment conducive to fraud.
Furthermore, he indicated that the EC made two unpardonable errors, which they admitted to and corrected, but not before causing unnecessary tension and mistrust.
 Such mistakes, he stated occurring not once but twice, demonstrate a lack of attention to detail and a cavalier attitude towards the limited voter registration exercise.
Moreover, he said the reports of fake registration ID cards being used to register ineligible voters in areas like Pusiga are alarming. 
He mentioned that this fraudulent activity undermines the credibility of the entire exercise and raises questions about the EC's ability to safeguard the electoral process.
According to him, the EC's decision to use Coral Draw software for tabulation of registration figures and the subsequent shift to Excel sheets with an apology is laughable. 
He asserted that this lack of professionalism and technical expertise is unacceptable and erodes trust in the commission's ability to manage the impending 2024 elections.
Additionally, he pointed out the incessant breakdown of Biometric Voter Registration kits in some registration centers at the beginning of the exercise is a clear indication of poor planning and inadequate logistics. This led to frustration and disenfranchisement of eligible voters, further compromising the exercise's integrity.
He argued that the EC's decision to establish registration centers at their district offices, rather than at polling stations or electoral areas, made accessibility extremely difficult for voters. 
This move, according to him,  seemingly designed to limit participation, is a clear violation of the principles of inclusivity and accessibility.
Lastly, the absence of clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as inclusivity, accessibility, comprehensiveness, transparency, and completeness, to ensure and guarantee free, fair, and transparent elections in 2024, is a glaring omission.
 The EC's failure to prioritize these essential metrics raises concerns about their commitment to conducting credible elections on 7th December, 2024.
In conclusion, he stressed that the Electoral Commission's management of the recent voter registration exercise has been marred by errors, oversights, and a lack of professionalism.
 To restore trust and ensure the integrity of the electoral process, he stressed the need of the EC to take concrete steps to address these challenges and prioritize inclusivity, accessibility, transparency, and completeness in all aspects of the electoral process.
He stressed that anything less would be a disservice to the people of Ghana and a threat to the country's democratic credentials.