NDC To Outdoor 2024 Campaign Team Next Week  

The team, is expected to include a blend of party executives from across the country and personalities from the office of the party’s flagbearer, former President John Dramani Mahama.

NDC To Outdoor 2024 Campaign Team Next Week  

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) is set to announce its 2024 election campaign team early next week.

The team, is expected to include a blend of party executives from across the country and personalities from the office of the party’s flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama.

Vice-Chairman, Joshua Alabi and General Secretary Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, are expected to play active roles.

Mr Mahama, is also expected to be deeply involved in the team’s activities, which will include other party executives playing various roles under the umbrella of a steering committee chaired by National Chairman, Honourable Johnson Asiedu Nketia.

The news outlet is also informed that a team of campaign spokespersons is expected to be formed with Joyce Bawah Mogtari, a lawyer and former Deputy Minister of Transport, who currently serves as a Special Aide to the NDC flagbearer leading it. This team, will focus on propagating the party’s policies for the upcoming elections.

Joyce Bawa, will be assisted by Beatrice Annan

The party’s communications rfor the 2024 elections, have so far appeared uncoordinated, with individuals largely acting independently to catch the attention of the flagbearer.

However, with a coordinated front and a properly crafted message, the NDC’s policies, could resonate with the electorate.

Ghanaian voters face a choice between returning Mr Mahama to the Presidency after eight years out of power or voting for the ruling New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) presidential candidate, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the incumbent Vice-President, who promises a significant departure from President Akufo-Addo’s policies.

Additionally, the opposition party’s manifesto, is expected to be unveiled soon, and many will want communicators to clearly articulate what the party plans to offer Ghanaians if voted into power in 2025.

Meanwhile, Mr Mahama, has been traveling across the country on his “Building Ghana Tour”.

As of yesterday, he was in Wa, making whistle-stops in the Upper West regional capital and Sawla.

He shared on his Facebook wall: “I had an incredibly exciting experience on my way to Wa earlier today.

Between Sawla and Wa, I made a few whistle-stops to interact with some passionate, hardworking artisans in the local communities.

Their unwavering support and tireless dedication to their craft are not only awe-inspiring but also reflect the ‘appropriate technology’ being used to serve their clients.

Another reason why my government will prioritize technical and vocational education, implement a scheme to support master craftsmen and women to train apprentices, and support artisans with funds and start-up equipment.

“The enthusiasm and zeal for change in the country’s political leadership were evident. This only solidified my commitment to implementing meaningful and transformative policies that will uplift the lives of every Ghanaian.

Their energy and passion give me a renewed sense of purpose and drive, and I am more determined than ever to lead this country to greater heights. Together, we will build the Ghana we want and move on to progress and prosperity!”