Caucus For Mature Democrats Vindicated Over Ato Forson And  Richard Jakpa €2.37 Ambulance Case Trial

In a press statement signed and issued by the Executive Secretary of CMD, Mr Baba Iddrisu and copied to, the group asserted that the Caucus has earlier released a publication indicating how Ghanaians have lost respect and trust for the judiciary under President Akufo Addo. 

Caucus For Mature Democrats Vindicated Over Ato Forson And  Richard Jakpa €2.37 Ambulance Case Trial
THE Caucus for Mature Democrats (CMD)
has stated that the persecution of the Minority Leader in Parliament, Dr Casiel Ato Forson and the third accused person in the ongoing €2.37 ambulance purchase case, Mr Richard Jakpa in court has vindicated CMC on the reasons why Ghanaians have lost respect and trust for the Judiciary under President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

In a press statement signed and issued by the Executive Secretary of CMD, Mr Baba Iddrisu and copied to, the group asserted that the Caucus has earlier released a publication indicating how Ghanaians have lost respect and trust for the judiciary under President Akufo Addo. 
The statement indicated the TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE BY THE SUPREME COURT in the presidential election petition after election 2020, where the then Chief Justice said “when we get to the bridge, we shall cross it” and when it was clear time to cross the bridge, he turned around and said “they have removed the bridge” therefore, there was nothing again to cross.

The group further indicated that the JUDICIAL TERRORISM against James Gyakye Quayson of Assin North denying him the opportunity to legitimately serve his constituents after winning election 2016.

"His election was declared NULL AND VOID by the subversive Supreme Court and the electoral commission was ordered to organize a by-election which he legitimately won massively again. As we put this release together, he is still not allowed to serve his people due to JUDICIAL TERRORISM and INJUSTICE," the statement dated Friday June 14, 2024 noted.
Below is the statement
FRIDAY 14 JUNE 2024.
The Caucus has earlier released a publication indicating how Ghanaians has lost respect and trust for the judiciary under president akufo addo. 
We indicated the TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE BY THE SUPREME COURT in the presidential election petition after election 2020, where the then Chief Justice said “when we get to the bridge, we shall cross it” and when it was clear time to cross the bridge, he turned around and said “they have removed the bridge” therefore, there was nothing again to cross.
We also indicated the JUDICIAL TERRORISM against James Gyakye Quayson of Assin North denying him the opportunity to legitimately serve his constituents after winning election 2016.
 His election was declared NULL AND VOID by the subversive Supreme Court and the electoral commission was ordered to organize a by-election which he legitimately won massively again. 
As we put this release together, he is still not allowed to serve his people due to JUDICIAL TERRORISM and INJUSTICE.
Below is yet another INJUSTICE perpetrated by the rotten court system the akufo led government has put together for Ghanaians:
Jakpa tells the court:
"I got a call from my cousin Yonni Kulendi. He said the AG wanted to speak to me. The AG told me because I was unwell, he will be brief with me. 
The AG told me he needed my cooperation, and I asked what type of cooperation?
Then the AG said I was fantastic in court the last time because I broke down the contract to the understanding of everyone in the court. 
The AG told me I shouldn't talk about Sherry Ayittey's letter, but I insisted that letter is an important document that I must present. 
The AG told me he will be presenting to me Parliamentary and Cabinet approval letters, and he will be asking me leading questions, all that I have to do is to answer yes".
 “I got another call from Yonni Kulendi to come over to his house. I told him I didn't want to meet the AG in his house. He assured me the AG had left. 
I drove slowly to Kulendi's place and to my surprise, the AG was present. I got angry and told Kulendi that it was an ambush which I was not happy about".
“The AG walked up to me and said, my brother I can see you are angry, but all that I'm asking is for you to cooperate with me and you will be acquitted. Then I said I did not trust any of them in the room. My cousin Kulendi got angry because I said I didn't trust any of them".
"I told the AG at Kulendi's house that I will fight him and the judiciary to the last drop of my blood" Jakpa
"If I cooperate with him and they can even get Ato Forson just one month in Nsawam, his seat will be declared vacant, so they can go and win that election ".
“I told him Central Region is NDC so how sure are you that you will win that by-election? 
The AG told me Fantes are thieves, they will pump money in and win that election"
Fellow Ghanaians, is it not disturbing that the Attorney General who doubles as the Minister of Justice demand a represented person in court to twist facts just to throw an innocent person in jail because his appointer and his cousin the Minister of finance, dishonourable ken ofori atta want their TORMENTER wrongly jailed for exposing their rots in government?
So which patriotic Ghanaian will clap for such failures of an Attorney General just because of their evil against innocent citizens? Can anyone imagine the number of innocent Ghanaians in prison because of such heartless people circumventing and traversing laws to suit their WHIMS and CAPRICES?
In conclusion, the Caucus urges all PATRIOTIC GHANAIANS to totally reject NPP for looting to collapse our economy and Bank of Ghana. This will help we the TAXPAYERS to hold all those who looted and who contributed or helped in any way to collapse the economy accountable to us.
We urge Ghanaians to support and vote massively for JM and NDC come December 7th. 
This will enable the visionary JM transform our rotten junk economy to the path of stability, growth and prosperity again.
We must add that, it must be considered a NATIONAL DUTY and a COMMUNAL LABOUR to kick them not only out, but to also keep them far away from any political office for 200 years after election 2024.
It is very important for all Ghanaians to understand that, NPP is the ENEMIES OF PROGRESS AND GROWTH of the state who must be kept far from any political office after December 7th election. Ghana deserves better. Those who promote development, growth, progress and prosperity of Ghana; never those who loot to collapse the state.