Bawumia Is A Talkative, He Cannot Provide Practical Solutions To Ghanaian Problems--Lawyer Larbi  Strips Veep Naked

In a news item captured by, the legal luminary stated that it is clearly shows that Dr Bawumia is just a talkative from theoretical studies, saying that the current Vice President cannot provide practical solutions to any of our problems.

Bawumia Is A Talkative, He Cannot Provide Practical Solutions To Ghanaian Problems--Lawyer Larbi  Strips Veep Naked
THE Director of Legal and Chairman of the Eastern Regional Legal Team of National Democratic Congress (NDC), Lawyer Isaac Minta Larbi, has stripped flag bearer of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Vice President Dr Alhaji Mahamadu Bawumia naked, describing him as "pathological liar" who has completely failed to fix the country's economy as he promised prior to the 20216 general elections.

In a news item captured by, the legal luminary stated that  everything clearly shows that Dr Bawumia is just a talkative 
from theoretical studies, saying that the current Vice President cannot provide practical solutions to any of our problems.

He recalled that Dr. Bawumia, leading up 
to the 2016 elections was all over the place giving lectures upon lectures on how to fix the country's economy which according to him and the NPP was being mismanaged by the NDC.

He pointed out that NPP and talkative Bawumia found a way to be declared winners of the 2016 elections and he took over the management of the economy of Ghana as the economic Messiah, the Chairman of the Economic Management Team, and the Vice President of Ghana.

"In fact during the heat of the 2016 campaign President Akuffo Addo boldly told Ghanaians that he intentionally and purposely brought Bawumia to become his vice because he was the panacea to our economic woes," he noted.

Lawyer Larbi indicated that the economic Messiah took the reigns of governance of this country and things began to fall apart soon as the IMF program which they had heavily criticized came to an end .

According to him, "What many people didn't know and still don't know is that it was the IMF program which was sustaining the economy of Ghana and the noise about the so called stabilization of the cedi etc was a ruse and a political propaganda that the theoretical Bawumia was bamboozling about without realizing that reality was soon going to catch up with him."

He said today the scales on the eyes of every Ghanaian has fallen, adding that Ghanaians have seen Bawumia for who he is. All the lectures he used to deliver have come to a halt.

According to him, the evidence on the grounds show that the economy of Ghana is in tatters under the so-called economic expert 

He indicated that Dr Bawumia's famous quote "when the fundamentals are weak the exchange rate will expose you" has come to hit him in his face and he has nowhere to hide 

He said any smart person who can do proper analysis will realize that Dr Bawumia is just a paper scholar who cannot practicalize anything. There's nothing he can do to solve our problems.

"We have been told over the years that capitalism is the best economic policy and with the NPP being a supposed capitalist party it was expected that their capitalist policies would have easily resolved our problems and made Ghana a great country. But what do we see? Ghana is a shattered economy.

"Even China which is a supposed communist country was able to use a decade which is 10 years to move 20 million people out of poverty.

"With capitalism being a supposed better economic policy and with the NPP being a capitalist party and with Bawumia being the economic Messiah, they should have used the 7 years they already have had in government to move 20 million Ghanaians out of poverty and Ghana would have been a better country already.

Of course, he indicated that since they have always claimed that capitalism is better than communism Bawumia should have used the 7 years to move 20 million Ghanaians out of poverty so that since China used 10 years then 7 years would have shown that capitalism is better than socialism /communism.

"But what do we see? A disaster of an economy in the hands of a capitalist party with the economic Messiah in charge.

"When Bawumia was talking about fundamentals he had no idea which of the fundamentals were weak in Ghana for him to fix," he said.

He mentioned that he has had almost 8 years as the Messiah with the economy in his two hands but he has ended up running the country into a ditch.

He asked that If he knows what fundamentals of Ghana's economy needed fixing this country would not be where we are now.

He indicated that Dr Bawumia is a paper economist and an economic failure who can only talk his way to power using lies just like President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

He said that it is  amazing how he still thinks Ghanaians can still be fooled with his tricks and have the strength to go round the country campaigning.

He asked that "In fact if he knows what Ghanaians think of him he'll not waste his time going round the country asking for Ghanaians to vote for him.

According to Lawyer Larbi, there are many people in this world who are just theoretical human beings who can just "chew and poor" what they learn. 

"Put them into the field to get the job done and you'll see the mess they'll create.. Bawumia is exactly one of such people," he added.

He stressed that there's nothing practical in him, saying that Dr Bawumia is just a talker. 

He explained that a talkertive is the one who can say all the nice words only for you to find out that he's just empty and cannot do any of the things he says.

Additionally, he maintained that the talkatives are just time wasters, stressing that If you follow them all you get is heartbreak and frustrations. 

"He gave sweet lectures and talked his way to power only to give us this disaster of an economy. He wants to do it again.

"Nobody should waste his time on Bawumia. He has had his time and enough time to fix this country and make it a better one. Unfortunately he has failed miserably and the disaster we have on our hands as a people is the direct results of his impractical nature as a human being," Lawyer Larbi said.

He said Dr Bawumia can only talk but cannot deliver anything tangible to progress this country noting that everything he says he doesn't mean it and even if he means it he cannot do it.

He stressed the the current Vice President is a failure Ghanaians do not need at this time of immense suffering all over the country.

Against this background, Lawyer Larbi called on the eligible Ghanaian voters to vote massively for the NDC and incoming President John Dramani Mahama the nation builder so we can build the Ghana we want.