Tension Brews In Dorfor Kome In Volta Region As Residents Threaten To Boycott 2024 Polls Over Neglect

They stated that the area was completely neglected by the administration in providing basic facilities, especially electricity, potable drinking water, classrooms, and a health center is affecting education in Dorfor-Kome.

Tension Brews In Dorfor Kome In Volta Region As Residents Threaten To Boycott 2024 Polls Over Neglect
THE residents of Dorfor Kome, a fishing community in the North Tongu  District of the Volta Region have threatened to boycott the parliamentary and presidential elections in the 2024.

They stated that the area was completely neglected by the administration in providing basic facilities, especially electricity, potable drinking water, classrooms, and a health center is affecting education in Dorfor-Kome.
Some of the residents, who spoke in an interview with the Soireenews.com complained that they feel neglected by the government.
They called on the government to give them their fair share of projects that are initiated in the build up to elections.
“We pay taxes to the government, but we have been left out of development. No proper roads, schools, hospitals or potable water. Are we not also Ghanaians?” the residents questioned.
They lamented that the Dorfor-Kome has been overlooked in many ways.
Apart from the three-unit pavilion structure built during the PDC era, there has been no other development in the area.
Meanwhile, the small island has produced and continues to produce a gallant workforce for the nation, including teachers, headmasters, police officers, military men, etc.
Due to the government's failure to supply the island with power and other social amenities, all these individuals have chosen to stay at their places of convenience.
Rural-urban migration has increased significantly, which has reduced the population growth to less than five hundred, according to Torgbe Adekafoe II of Dorfor-Kome.
Dorfor-Kome is an island community in the North Tongu district of the Volta region, which is connected to the Shai Osudoku District of the Greater Accra Region.
He narrated how the island was formed and said that in 1870, a joint team of combined forces led by Captain Glover attacked the Dorfors on the island.
The Dorfor settlers who survived fled to join their families on the overbank.
After the war, Togbe Kofi Anyrakotoku, the grandson of Togbe Adela Fui (Adela Foe), returned with his five children to the island, and they are now the current settlers of the island.
The headmaster of Dorfor-Kome, Rev. Evangelist Desmond Seledzi, said they are beneficiaries of the One Teacher, One Laptop program launched by His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president and the 2024 presidential candidate for the New Patriotic Party (NPP).
According to Desmond Seledzi, the lack of electricity, potable drinking water, classrooms, and a health center is affecting education in Dorfor-Kome.
The parliamentary candidate for the New Patriotic Party in North Tongu, Savior Yaw Eleblu, was not pleased with the way Dorfor-Kome has been neglected, especially since development is ongoing in various parts of Ghana.
He promised to meet with the District Chief Executive, Fenu Divine, and other authorities in charge of electricity in the country.
Rev. Jonathan Anyrakotoku also expressed his concern that fish farming, especially oystering, was the main occupation of the people, but the business collapsed after the construction of the Akosombo and Kpong-Akuse Dams.
"The clam business was the major source of income for the people of Dorfor-Kome and the entire Tongu at large. People from other Tongu traditional areas used to join the people of Dorfor-Kome for oystering, but after the construction of both the Akosombo and Kpong-Akuse Dams, oystering, the business collapsed. Despite all this, the previous and current governments have neglected us as a community," he said.
"We are appealing to our member of parliament, Honourable Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, and the District Chief Executive, Divine Fenu, to come to our rescue,if not we are not going to vote in the 2024 general election," he added.