2024 General Elections: John Evans Kumordzi Outlines A Ten -Point Vision; Intends To Tackle Agriculture, Jobs To Reduce Cost Of Living In Akuapem North Area

These ten key areas of Mr Kumordzi centered on sustainable agriculture, water, education,  heath, youth empowerment, road network, social infrastructure, sports and games, hygiene and sanitation, jobs and Interest free loans for traders and artisans across the constituency.

2024 General Elections: John Evans Kumordzi Outlines A Ten -Point Vision; Intends To Tackle Agriculture, Jobs To Reduce Cost Of Living In Akuapem North Area
THE NATIONAL Democratic Congress (NDC)
Parliamentary Candidate for Akuapem North Constituency in the Eastern Region, Mr John Evans Kumordzi, has outlined a ten-point vision which will help to reduce the rising cost of living when he is voted as a new Member of Parliament (MP) for the constituency in the 2024 general elections.

These ten key areas of Mr Kumordzi centered
on sustainable agriculture, water, education,  heath, youth empowerment, road network, social infrastructure, sports and games, hygiene and sanitation, jobs and Interest free loans for traders and artisans across the constituency.
According to Mr Kumordzi, his track record and achievements so far coupled with his intended vision to continue to bring the needed social and infrastructure growth and development to the area has made him to be in comfortable lead to snatch the seat from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in parliamentary election on Saturday December 7, 2024 polls.
Speaking in an interview with Soireenews. com, Mr Kumordzi admitted the rising cost of living nationwide, including Akuapem North Constituency, and identified those ten (10) key sectors as major factors contributing to that challenge.
The young outspoken politician stressed that  tackling those ten critical areas would be the “sustainable solutions” by his administration, 
if elected as a new MP for the area, to ensure better living standards for the people. 
“A major priority of my administration will be to reduce the cost of living for the people within the Akuapem North Constituency,” Mr Kumordzi reaffirmed.
He stressed that there are good news for the good people of Akuapem North Constituency because "l am contesting the parliamentary election in the 2024 to win the seat for the NDC to ensure the development and empowerment of the youth in my area."
"When given the nod by the eligible voters in the area to win the seat from the NPP, l am going to bring more social and infrastructure intervention projects and programmes including the youth empowerment projects, education ( scholarships, skills), health ( regular health screening, NHIA),  Water ( Potable water, proper water supply system) and sports and games (talent discovery and befitting pitches).
"Others are hygiene and Sanitation ( waste management, periodic communal labour), Social  Infrastructure ( market, library, football pitch), Agriculture ( agribusiness), jobs ( youth employment, security services: police, military, fire service, immigration, CEPS) and interest free loans for traders and artisans across the constituency," he assured.
According to him, despite the constituency being known as the stronghold for the NPP over the past years, the constituency continues to lag in terms of growth and development.
"John Evans is however of the belief that with the NDC potentially being the representative 
of Akuapem North in Parliament beginning January 2025, the area shall find its feet with developmental projects emphasizing that the people also deserve better and a fair share of the national cake.
“I strongly believe that per my works done so far in the area, constituents of Akuapem North will massively vote for NDC both in the parliamentary and presidential elections 
to enable us [NDC] to give them the infrastructure projects and programmes 
they have been demanding for,” he stated.
He stressed further that his competitor in the NPP’s candidate, Mr Sammi Awuku is not a cause to worry in the contest as he sees no keen competition from the National Lottery Authority (NLA) boss because he is not exposed to contesting in any general elections in the country, therefore, defeat lurks at his doorstep on December 7.
“When it comes to experience in general elections in the country, I am by far ahead of him [Sammi Awuku] because I contested the outgoing Member of Parliament for Okere Constituency, Dan Botwe in the 2020 election but lost and this time around a strategy has been put on the grounds to discipline Sammi Awuku in the 2024 elections,” Mr Kumordzi revealed.