Why Usher does not eat on Wednesdays

Usher's wellness routine includes a weekly fast. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the 45-year-old R&B icon discussed how he prepares physically and mentally for his hectic schedule.

Why Usher does not eat on Wednesdays

Most days begin with a "moment of reflection," according to the eight-time Grammy winner. He alternates between reading a book to "stimulate my mind," meditating, and practicing yoga. "It really does help to activate my organs and get my mind moving in the right direction," Usher told the audience.

Unlike many people, his mornings do not always begin with coffee. "It all depends on how I ended the night before." "Occasionally, a coffee martini is appropriate," said Usher, who will receive the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2024 BET Awards on Sunday, June 30.

He added, "No, I usually wake up and sip celery juice. I've been using a mixture of lemon, ginger, water, and cayenne pepper. "I drink it hot." When he eats breakfast, the musician frequently chooses eggs scrambled with cheese, but only after he has exercised.

"I don't like to eat breakfast until I've worked out or done something physical, such as going on a walk, stretching or performing yoga, sitting in the sun, or elevating my body's natural temperature.

"Then I eat," he added. Wednesdays are the only exception to this regimen, as Usher does not eat at all. "I fast, not for religious purposes, but it's something my grandmother practiced," he told me.

"I typically try to start around 11 p.m. the previous day, then go the entire day on Wednesday just drinking water."

In preparation for his Super Bowl halftime performance ("That was one of the hardest 15 minutes that I'll ever have in my life," he told WSJ), he increased the intensity of his already strict exercise and diet regimen.

In addition to daily workouts, Usher claimed to be stringent about consuming healthy foods. "I was remedying my body the night before and waking up the next day and eating a very regimented, low-carb diet," he told me.