Ghana's Housing Deficit By Building Low-Cost Houses Across The Country—Mahama Assures Ghanaians 

Mr Mahama gave the assurance when he met with with the National Tenants Union in his office office in Accra to discusse the plans on how to solve Ghana's housing deficit.

Ghana's Housing Deficit By Building Low-Cost Houses Across The Country—Mahama Assures Ghanaians 

THE Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), former President John Dramani Mahama has assured Ghanaians that the next government of the party would divise pragmatic measures to tackle Ghana's housing deficit by building low-cost houses across the country. 

Mr Mahama gave the assurance when he met with the National Tenants Union in his office in Accra to discuss the plans on how to solve Ghana's housing deficit.
According to the former President, the housing is a crucial need, and "my next government will work tirelessly to develop Social Housing that is truly affordable and accessible for ordinary Ghanaians. 
He stressed that that will be one of my legacies as President. 
"We will also push for the Rent Control Bill to be passed into law to prevent tenants from being unfairly burdened with paying more than one year's rent in advance.
"I deeply empathise with the 19 million people in Ghana who are renting and committed to building a brighter future for all Ghanaians, with housing being a pivotal aspect of that," he sorrowfully stated.