Upper Manya Krobo MP Showcases Development Projets At Otrokper

These projects span from education, security, health, rehabilitation of roads, water and sanitation and other needs for the constituents.

Upper Manya Krobo MP Showcases Development Projets At Otrokper
THE indefatigable legislator for the Upper Manya Krobo constituency, Honourable Bismark Tetteh Nyarko is tirelessly undertaking several projects for the benefit of his constituents across the length and breadth of his constituency.

These projects span from education, security, health, rehabilitation of roads, water and sanitation and other needs for the constituents.
The spotlight is on the Otrokper Electoral Area, which is the gateway to the Upper Manya Krobo District.
At a meeting with the people, the Honourable Member of PARLIAMENT was taken to a broken down borehole which was the only source of drinking water and being fetched.

Comrade Bismark Tetteh Nyarko immediately called in a contractor to rehabilitate the borehole which posed a danger to lives.
According to the opinion leaders, several approaches were made in the last six years to the former MP, Hon Joseph Tetteh and the current District Chief Executive, Honourable Joe Sam to assist them to rehabilitate their only source of drinking water but to no positive response from the powers that be.
The MP was also taken to an abandoned site for the construction of a public toilet. Meanwhile, the people are using the bushes at the abandoned site to attend to nature's call.

The MP, Hon Bismark Tetteh Nyarko found this to be a health hazard as there could be an outbreak of cholera and other waterborne diseases.
Stone chippings have been delivered to site and other materials would soon follow for the construction of the public toilet to begin soon.
Meanwhile, the rehabilitated borehole has been completed and being used while a mechanised water system is about 60% complete at Otrokper-Otsribentua.
On health, the MP has commenced renovation of the Otokper Health Center.

In spite of a fumigation exercise undertaken by the Honourable Member of PARLIAMENT in all the health facilities in the District a couple of years ago, rodents and bats have taken over the facility and forcing the health workers to evacuate their staff quarters as the pervading stench in the air and leaking roofs are not conducive for habitation.
Akotoklo-gua has been provided with a borehole and will soon be connected to the national electricity grid, thanks to the lobbying skills of Comrade Bismark Tetteh Nyarko.

Obisua has also been provided with a borehole as the only source of drinking water has been polluted due to the construction of the main road and more importantly, to avoid any casualties when crossing the road.

The Honourable Member of PARLIAMENT has also provided a quantity of paints and roofing sheets for extra classrooms to the Akatawia R/C Basic school
The Aketebuor community has also been provided with a quantity of roofing sheets and wood for the rehabilitation of the school.