We Must Work Hard To Give NPP Bye In 2025 --NDC Deputy Eastern Regional Women Organiser

According to her, since the New Patriotic Party government assumed power almost eight years  ago, every sector of Ghana's Economy is in decline, which is epitomized in the worsening living standard of the Ghanaians widespread and rampant corruption rising level of unemployment growing labour unrest.

We Must Work Hard To Give NPP Bye In 2025 --NDC Deputy Eastern Regional Women Organiser

The Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer at Africa Women's Forum-Ghana and Deputy Eastern Regional Women Organiser, Mrs. Rita Akosua Awatey has said economic hardship under Nana Addo/Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia government ghanaias cannot survive anymore and has charged National Democratic Congress to work hard for victory in 2024 general election.

According to her, since the New Patriotic Party government assumed power almost eight years  ago, every sector of Ghana's Economy is in decline, which is epitomized in the worsening living standard of the Ghanaians widespread and rampant corruption rising level of unemployment growing labour unrest.

These developments, Mrs. Awatey said, required a change of government in 2024, stressing that come what may, the National Democratic Congress will have to win the elections to save the country survive under President John Dramani Mahama and NDC.

Mrs. Awatey made the statement during National, Regional and New Juaben South Constituency women's wing door-to-door, markets and lorry stations campaign in  Koforidua to sell the 24-hour economic policy to the commutuents.

She charged party supporters not to be complacent and do effective door-to-door campaign and tell Ghanaians the need to vote out NPP government and bring NDC.

She said currently, Ghana, domestic economic crises, the cost of ingredients has sky rocketed far beyond imagination. Current food prices unfortunately no longer make sense for Ghanaians to sell or buy base on the businesses model under which operate.

"Enough is Enough for this super incompetent NPP government because Ghanaians are tired of massive corruptions, joblessness, high cost of living abd high utility bills" she said

*Senior High Secondary School Review*

The Eastern Regional Deputy Women's Organiser, Mrs. Akosua Awatey has called for a review of the "Free Senior High School Policy" to allow parents who can afford it to pay their children's fees and other expenses.

She believes the review will ease some of the government's burden.

According to her, the government's challenges with the policy, as its budget credibility rate declined continuously between the 2019/20  and 2021/22 academic years. Based on checks, She is was certain a review will ease the burden on parents.