Ramaphosa lays out plan to fix SA energy crisis

Through the Southern Africa Power Pool, Eskom will also obtain electricity from Zambia and Botswana, two neighboring countries.

Ramaphosa lays out plan to fix SA energy crisis

President Cyril Ramaphosa has proposed a number of actions aimed at resolving South Africa's energy crisis after three weeks of the worst power outages in the country's history.

These include enhancing the efficiency of electricity provider Eskom and allowing ate enterprises to produce electricity.

It comes after ten days of in-depth meetings with energy specialists to address the nation's short- and long-term electricity needs.

Fixing the troubled state-owned business Eskom is the e utility will enhance its maintenance expenditure to upgrade its aging fleet of power plants.

The government would purchase extra electricity produced by independent power providers and add it to the system.

Through the Southern Africa Power Pool, Eskom will also obtain electricity from Zambia and Botswana, two neighboring countries.

Other measures announced by the president include removing red tape for renewable energy projects and offering incentives to businesses and individuals to install and sell surplus power to the national grid.

Pointing to the future, President Ramaphosa said Eskom will have to coexist with private companies to ensure a diversity of electricity supply.

However, the national grid will continue to be owned entirely by the state.