Ogyeahoho Nana Yaw Gyebi II Donates Various  Items To The Health And  Educational Institutions In Western North Region

The items donated by the traditional ruler are as follows; 500 bulbs to some selected health facilities and schools, mower to Anhwiaso Health Centre, 70 hospital bedsheets to Bibiani Government Hospital and Anhwiaso Health Centre, 1000 exercise books, 144 mathematical sets, 600 pens and pencils to selected school children

Ogyeahoho Nana Yaw Gyebi II Donates Various  Items To The Health And  Educational Institutions In Western North Region
President of the National House of Chiefs (NHCs) who doubles as Paramount Chief of Sefwi Anhwiaso Traditional Area in the Western North Region, Ogyeahoho Nana Yaw Gyebi II,
President of the National House of Chiefs (NHCs) who doubles as Paramount Chief of Sefwi Anhwiaso Traditional Area in the Western North Region, Ogyeahoho Nana Yaw Gyebi II, has made donations of various items to support the heath and educational institutions in the Western North Region.

The items donated by the traditional ruler are as follows; 500 bulbs to some selected health facilities and schools, mower to Anhwiaso Health Centre, 70 hospital bedsheets to Bibiani Government Hospital and Anhwiaso Health Centre, 1000 exercise books, 144 mathematical sets, 600 pens and pencils to selected school children.
Ogyeahoho Nana Yaw Gyebi II also donated items such as milo, milk, biscuits, tissues and water to fathers who were on admission at the Bibiani Government Hospital.
Ogyeahoho Gyebi II who doubles as the President of the Sefwi Anhwiaso TraditionalCouncil made these donations after he organized a successful health walk to mark father's Day celebration on Sunday June 16, 2024 in his traditional area.
Many chiefs, queen-mothers, market men and women, commercial drivers, workers, students and farmers have actively taken part in the walk which has backed the Ogyeahoho Gyebi II's vision to bring peace and unity to the people in his traditional area.
Addressing the teeming residents who took part in the walk, the prominent traditional ruler urged the mothers to continue to educate their children about the various responsibilities being undertaken by their fathers by way of putting food on their table and paying their school feels..
"If the mothers could do this it would make their children to know that their fathers are responsible for putting food on their table and and paying their school fees. This would enable the children to give gross respect to their fathers," the paramount chief advised.
Describing himself as development oriented paramount chief in the area,Ogyeahoho Gyebi II indicated his commitment to continue to support his people and institutions in his traditional area to grow.
As the 2024 general elections gather momentum,Ogyeahoho Gyebi II entreated youth not to engage in any political act that would tarnish and bring the image of Ghana into disrepute and public ridicule.
Rather, the traditional ruler stressed the need for the youth to remain tolerant and help redeem the image of the country and cautioned them against being used as agents by the politicians to disrupt the electioneering processes in the country.
Ogyeahoho Gyebi II noted that the youth could do this if they remained bold and resisted pressure and attempts by politicians and political parties who might approach and lure them with goodies and use them as the tools to fornent unnecessary trouble during, before and after the 2024 polls.
Speaking further, Ogyeahoho Gyebi II cautioned politicians of the various political parties to embark on clean campaigns devoid of insults and character assassination.
"Let us all avoid politics of insult, character assassination and name calling. Your vote is one, and that we must all make sure to do what would bring peace and unity in the country before, during and after 2024 polls.
"We should all engage in clean electioneering campaigns and that when you had been have voted to win political power, that would enable
 the people to accept you in a good faith. Our campaign talks should be message of hope and not message of insults and name calling. 
"Those individuals who are using various social media platforms to attack the integrity of political leaders should stopped that behaviours now. Let us all involved in the country's electoral process, to prioritise the establishment of a peaceful and transparent environment for the upcoming 2024 general elections to show that in Ghana we have successfully held nine peaceful,fair and transparent elections," Ogyeahoho Gyebi II further advised.
According to the prominent traditional ruler
who is very passionate about the peace and
unity, ensuring free and fair elections is crucial
to preventing a recurrence of the violence that marred past elections.
“Electoral violence is expensive and should be avoided at all costs. We have only one country. That is Ghana.”
Ghanaians will be going to the polls on December 7 2024 to elect a new president and Members of Parliament.
Yesterday Sunday, June 16, is ‘Father’s Day 2024!’ Father’s Day, which began as a largely religious observance and recognized in some way dating back to the Middle Ages, is now celebrated in more than 111 countries, with the first of its kind on June 19, 1910.
A traditional Roman Catholic holiday to celebrate fatherhood, Father's Day is “celebrated on the third Sunday in June each year.” Fairly clearly, the day is meant to recall and recognize the endless efforts, initiatives and contributions of all the fathers around us. It is a mark of the kinship, affection, guidance and patience between fathers on the one hand and their families on the other.
Fathers are the heads of, and the role models for the(ir) families. Even in psychological explanations, it is the father figures who set the moral tones of households. Whenever irritants attempt to test the loyalty of the household, it is the father who risks everything with truly solidified violations to display manly attributes.
Etymologically, ‘husband’ also arose from the word ‘cultivate’, ‘tend’, or ‘nurture’. Therefore, the concept of husband refers to the ‘male head of a household’, the ‘manager’ and the ‘steward’. 
He is the ‘master of a house’, ‘occupier and tiller of the soil’. Thus, a husband is one who nurtures the wife with pious love, cultivates the wife and family, and tills the soil of the family.
Fathers are no little men. Of course, they are too big to be small. They have muscles in their places with which they not only perform feats of impressiveness but also create new, bigger and stronger foundations for their children. 
So, it’s only a marginalized group of men that can actually be referred to as irresponsible as most men are struggling. But we know that they can do better!