Hawa Koomson In Disarray!

The incumbent MP, who has been in office for several terms, is reportedly feeling the heat as Madam Koryoo Okunora gains momentum and popularity among the constituents. 

Hawa Koomson In Disarray!

INFORMATION reaching Soireenews.com  indicates that the incumbent Member of Parliament (MP) for the Awutu Senya East Constituency in the Central Region, Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson is in serious trouble as the parliamentary seat would likely to be taken from the MP by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2024 general elections.

The female legislator who represents the people in the Parliament on the ticket of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), who is the most dominant in the constituency, is on the verge of losing that dominance following the increasing affection for National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Candidate for Awutu Senya East, Madam Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunora.

The incumbent MP, who has been in office for several terms, is reportedly feeling the heat as Madam Koryoo Okunora gains momentum and popularity among the constituents. 

The MP's usual confidence and swagger have given way to nervousness and apprehension, as they struggle to come to terms with the possibility of losing the seat to the NDC parliamentary candidate in the 2024 general election.

Sources close to Mrs Hawa Koomson revealed to Soireenews.com that they are experiencing sleepless nights, obsessing over opinion polls, and frantically searching for ways to salvage their campaign. 

The MP's team is said to be in disarray, with some members of the NPP in the constituency defecting to the opposing party's camp.

The parliamentary candidate, a charismatic and dynamic Naa koryor has been gaining traction with their messages of change and promised of effective representation. 

Their campaign rallies have been attracting large crowds, and their social media presence is impressive.

As the 2024 election date draws near, Soireenews.com gathered that tension is palpable, and the incumbent MP's phobia of losing her seat is becoming increasingly apparent.