Ga Citizens Blame Homowo Incidents On Weak Police Leadership In Ghana

According to them, recent handling of the Homowo season celebrations has exposed a disturbing weakness in police leadership, compromising the security of our communities.

Ga Citizens Blame Homowo Incidents On Weak Police Leadership In Ghana
THE CONCERNED citizens of the Ga state have blamed the various accidents that occurred during the celebration of the Homowo on the weak police leadership in the country.

According to them, recent handling of the Homowo season celebrations has exposed a disturbing weakness in police leadership, compromising the security of our communities. 

They noted that excessive restrictions, harassment, and intimidation of citizens are symptoms of a larger problem - a lack of effective leadership within the police force.
According to them, the failure to maintain public order and safety during this period is a stark reminder of the consequences of weak leadership. 
They said the police leadership's inability to strike a balance between enforcing law and order and respecting cultural rights has led to a breakdown in trust between law enforcement and the community.
According to them, this weakness has far-reaching implications for national security, as it emboldens criminal elements and undermines public confidence in the police. 
To address this crisis, the citizens of the Ga state demanded accountability and hed: police leaders responsible for their actions.
They stressed the need for the proper investigation to be done about incidents that occurred during Homowo.
They called on the reform by way of  strengthening police leadership and improve security measures.
"The safety of our nation depends on effective police leadership. We cannot afford to compromise on security," the citizens stressed.