When Did “Slay Queen” Become a Negative Word? - Moesha Bodoung

Actress, Moesha Boduong asks how Ghanaians think that the word Slay Queen is a bad thing instead of its original good meaning

When Did “Slay Queen” Become a Negative Word? - Moesha Bodoung
Moesha Bodoung

Moesha Bodoung has asked her critics why they associate the term "Slay Queen" with prostitution.

According to her, to slay means to look very good and it has nothing to do with sleeping around as most Ghanaians think.

She argued that Ghanaians are used to hypocrisy, where a woman does not dress well because of public scrutiny. They would rather respect a woman who does not dress good but is a low-key prostitute over a woman who does dress good but has nothing to do with prostitution.

The actress said this while speaking in a TV3 documentary that she uploaded on her Instagram page.

Moesha Boduong however noted that she understand why people label her a prostitute because of the way she carried herself on social media.

The popular model stated that what she does on social media is for herself, but not to get attention.

According to her, she was shocked when people started calling her Slay Queen and some referred to her as an ashawo; (prostitute) and others.

"Guys what’s your thought on this topic? I’m a proud slay queen ..always loved fashion and looking good."

"When did it become such a negative word? why do we slut-shame people these, slaying has always been about looking great being confident showing up and always killing it with. it’s only this part of the world. the word “slay queen is interpreted!!

"I know girls who don’t slay and are sleeping around .look good always, as long as you know yourself.” She wrote as a caption for the video that she uploaded.