NPP Tagging Naa Koryoo As Ambassador Of Political Violence Is A Grand Scheme To Cover Up Wrong Doings Of Hawa Koomson In Awutu Senya East!—NDC Fires Salvo

She stated that the viral claim by executives of the NPP in the Central Region to accuse her of engaging in electoral violence is a grand scheme being hatched by these executives to cover various wrong doings being perpetrated to some innocent people by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Awutu Senya East, Honourable Mavis Hawa Koomson.

NPP Tagging Naa Koryoo As Ambassador Of Political Violence Is A Grand Scheme To Cover Up Wrong Doings Of Hawa Koomson In Awutu Senya East!—NDC Fires Salvo
THE National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Candidate for Awutu Senya East Constituency in the Central Region, Madam Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunor has vehemently denied allegations levelled against her by the self seeking leaders of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Central Region that her has engaged in an electoral and political violence in the constituency.
She stated that the viral claim by executives of the NPP in the Central Region to accuse her of engaging in electoral violence is a grand scheme being hatched by these executives to cover various wrong doings being perpetrated to some innocent people by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Awutu Senya East, Honourable Mavis Hawa Koomson.
She pointed that Honourable Mavis Hawa Koomson has been in the news for engaging in violence tendencies unlike her, saying that the real fact and record are available for whoever doubts it to come to verify.
She lamented that her arrest on the charge of transferring firearms without authority was a pure political witch-hunting being meted out to her by these reckless, incompetent and hopelessly non performing NPP officials.
She stressed that this is a grand scheme by the NPP to destroy her chances of wrestling the Awutu Senya East parliamentary seat from the NPP in the 2024 general election but their evils agenda had completely failed.
According to Madam Koryoo Okunor, she is a law abiding citizen who always at peace and denied any wrongdoing.
The Awutu Senya East Constituency Communication Officer of the NDC, Mr
 Delali Sewokpor made these denial when he was speaking in an interview with Soireenews. com on behalf of Madam Koryoo Okunor to respond to various allegations levelled against the NDC PC by the NPP in its press conference held on Tuesday June 11, 2024.
The NPP described Madam Naa Koryoo as an ambassador of political violence in Awutu Senya East.
The Central Regional Secretary of the NPP, Mr Richard Takyi-Mensah, who addressed a press conference on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at the Awutu Senya East Constituency office of the NPP at Kasoa made a reference to a very disturbing situation  Awutu Senya East constituency upon the appearance of Naa Koryoo who her painted as an ambassador of political violence. 
"Let us trace our steps back to 2012 and 2016, we had parliamentary elections in this constituency just like all other constituencies had and the respective candidates for these two political parties were Hawa Koomson for the NPP and Honourable Nuhu Adams for the NDC. Was Awutu Senya East, thus Kasoa , in the eye of the storm? So, you ask yourself, what has changed?
"The change in this scenario is this Ambassador of Violence in Awutu Senya. An ambassador who is true to type such that after carrying an offensive weapon into a voted Transfer Centre and the police performing their constitutionally mandated duty of inviting and interrogating her on how she came by this offensive weapon, you have the party whose violent nature and characteristics they are not shy to acknowledge and even tout hail her in an open-top vehicle by no mean a person than the National Chairman of the party, he told the journalists.
Ostensibly signaling to their vulnerable following that the way to go, according to him,  is that of the Ambassador of Violence and which is that they must be carrying offensive weapons around wherever they find themselves. 
He stressed that the NPP in the Central Region condemned this show of violent tendencies by this Ambassador of violence in Awutu Senya East and the unfortunate tacit support by their National Chairman and their perpetual and perennial flagbearer. 
But in a quick rebuttal, Mr Dalali jumped into the defence of Naa Koryoo and warned the NPP to leave her alone, saying that she has done nothing wrong.
He described as a palpable lies the recent statement made by the executives of the NPP in the region that they are enjoying peace in the Awutu Senya East Constituency before the election of Naa Koryoo as Parliamentary Candidate for the constituency.
He pointed out that there has been no peaceful coexistence in the constituency, recalling that in 2012, Honourable Hawa Koomson led some thugs to visit severe attacks on the members of the NDC including the former Awutu Senya East Constituency Secretary.
He mentioned that in 2016 the same incident happened when Honourable Hawa Koomson 
led some thugs to phisically attack the NDC members in the constituency, adding that the violence tendencies of Honourable Hawa Koomson have been known to everybody in the constituency. 
According to the youth outspoken politician, the historical records in the constituency have confirmed that "indeed Honourable Hawa Koomson has been a certified tag when it comes to violence especially during our elections in the constituency."
He was of the view that Naa Koryoo is a very dignify young lady whose famous ambition is to ensure that the constituency is put on a higher level when it comes to the social and infrastructure development.
Giving the chronology of instances in every single incident in the constituency in every election year before Honourable Hawa Koomson has been elected MP in the area, the NDC firebrand noted that "It was record that Madam Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunor is not like Honourable Hawa Koomson who consistently right from the 2012, 2020 and 2024, anytime there is an electoral process, she has always comes into the news as a result of engaging in vandalism and thuggery.
Mr Sewokpor reiterated that" So Honourable Hawa Koomson is a kmow certified violence MP in the constituency when it comes to the election related matters,.
Mr Sewokpor provided documentary proof to back his claim that in every election year in the area, Honourable Hawa Koomson has always be in the news for perpetrating political violence, adding that on June 10, 2024, her son Ato Koomson led a group of thugs to attack the NDC members at Amuzukope in the constituency.
He pointed out that in 20220, Honourable Hawa Koomson herself in an interview with a radio station has admitted that she fired a warning shots.
Mr Sewokpor said in same 20220, Honourable Hawa Koomson admitted that she has involved in political violence tendencies, stressing that in 2024, the same thing has repeated itself.