Volta Diaspora Caucus Joins NDC Top Shots To officially Open Bandaman Fishing Market At Banda Bongase 

The building of the market was one of the promises made to the Ewe settlers when the VDC last visited Banda to console and encourage their Voltarian brothers and sisters when they were being harassed by thugs on the Volta River in the Bui area.

Volta Diaspora Caucus Joins NDC Top Shots To officially Open Bandaman Fishing Market At Banda Bongase 
The National Coordinator of Volta Diaspora Caucus, Mr Basil Ahiable and the National Executive Committee of the Volta Diaspora Caucus, sent a five man delegation led by the National Secretary, Mr. Godson Fiavi Gadabor to participate in the official opening of the  Bandaman fishing market at Banda Bongase in Banda District. 

The building of the market was one of the promises made to the Ewe settlers when the VDC last visited Banda to console and encourage their Voltarian brothers and sisters when they were being harassed by thugs on the Volta River in the Bui area.
Among the delegation were Mr Walter Humenu: deputy coordinator, VDC E/Region, Mr Samuel Woaku: Bono VDC, Regional Coordinator, Mr Agbemabease: VDC, Bono Regional organizer, and Mr Kotoka a.k.a  Mayor, VDC executive member, Bono Region.
Among the dignitaries who graced the occasion were,Johnson Aseidu Nketia: National Chairman of the NDC, Ahmed Ibrahim, MP Banda constituency, Ambasador Kojo Nyamekye Marfo, Bono Regional Chairman of NDC, Hon Adama Sulemana: MP Tain constituency. 

The Bono Regional, and Banda Constituency executives of NDC, and Nananom of the Banda traditional council were duly represented.
The Bandaman fishing market was built by Honourable Ahmed Ibrahim with the urgency
 it demands to save and settle the Ewe fishing community that has been intimidated by their oppressors believed to be members of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) thugs over the years. 
The National secretary of VDC, Mr Godson Gadabor, speaking on behalf of the National Coordinator, Basil Ahiable, was thankful to Nananom of the Banda traditional council and the MP, Honourable Ahmed Ibrahim, and the entire people of Banda for the wonderful reception given to the oppressed souls.
 He admonished the settlers to be law abiding and also be reasonably defensive when being attacked. 
He pleaded with Nananom to give the settlers all the necessary support they may need from them to feel at home. 
The historic ceremony has brought a total relief to the Voltarian fisher folks, as Nananom of the Banda traditional council promised to protect them as one of their owns. 

Speaker after Speaker praised the Volta Diaspora Caucus and her leadership for thier prompt responses each time they received distressed calls from their oppressed brothers and sisters.