NDC Parliamentary Candidate Daniel K. Bessey Meets with Ada West Chiefs Union

The chiefs pledged their support to Hon. Bessey and advised the party to remain united in order to achieve a convincing victory in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections on December 7, 2024.

NDC Parliamentary Candidate Daniel K. Bessey Meets with Ada West Chiefs Union

THE Constituency Executive Committee of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), led by Chairman Enoch Teye Sewornu Esq on Wednesday June 19 2024 presented parliamentary candidate, Mr  Daniel K. Bessey, to the Ada West Chiefs Union at Akplabanya Matse Palace.

The chiefs pledged their support to Hon. Bessey and advised the party to remain united in order to achieve a convincing victory in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections on December 7, 2024.

The chiefs also presented two key requests to the NDC: firstly, the construction of the Ada West sea defense, and secondly, the repair of roads in the district. Hon. Bessey assured the chiefs that the next NDC government will prioritize these projects, demonstrating the party's commitment to the development and well-being of the Ada West community.

This meeting marks a significant milestone in the campaign trail, as the NDC continues to engage with stakeholders and build a strong coalition of support ahead of the elections.