Lil Win was accused with hazardous driving and negligently inflicting hurt and granted GH¢50,000 bail

The Asokore Mampong District Court has granted bail in the sum of GH¢50,000 with two sureties to actor Kwadwo Nkansah, commonly known as Lil Win.

Lil Win was accused with hazardous driving and negligently inflicting hurt and granted GH¢50,000 bail

The accused has been charged with risky driving and negligently causing injury.

Margaret Adjei-Twum, counsel for the accused, pleaded for bail for her client, drawing the court's attention to the fact that her client had suffered injuries, including internal bleeding, and needed additional treatment.

She promised the court that Lil Win, as a well-known celebrity, would not interfere with the police inquiry. The prosecution sought that the accused be available at all times while the investigation is ongoing.

The case has been adjourned to June 27, 2024.


Lil Win was arrested on Monday, June 3, by authorities from the Manhyia Divisional Command's Motor Traffic and Transport Department immediately after leaving the hospital.

His arrest was linked to a recent collision involving a vehicle he was driving, which sadly killed a three-year-old boy.

The deceased's family had reinforced cries for justice, but police cited ill health as the reason for the delay in arresting him.