Brother Sammy: "I'd rather walk with sinners than with pastors"

Except for God, we are all sinners. The Bible declares that black children are wiser than light ones," he remarked.

Brother Sammy: "I'd rather walk with sinners than with pastors"

According to gospel artist Brother Sammy, he prefers to socialize with sinners over Godly guys.

According to Brother Sammy, his goal in identifying with sinners is to use their company to win souls for Christ.

Speaking with Roselyn Felli, the host of Prime Morning on Joy Prime, Brother Sammy disclosed that some of the inspiration and encouragement he receives come from non-believers.

"Since there is no one righteous on earth, I prefer to walk among sinners than those who identify as believers.

Except for God, we are all sinners. The Bible declares that black children are wiser than light ones," he remarked.

Brother Sammy went on to say that he benefited from his partnerships with non-musicians because most of them have much larger fan bases than the majority of gospel musicians.

"These days, they terrify people by using Christianity. Because they have made Christianity so challenging, some pastors are taking advantage of their flocks.

Because they've made themselves seem intimidating, a church member cannot receive counseling from a pastor without paying a fee, he said.