Before contracting with labels, thoroughly review the contracts - Funke Akindele

Nollywood actress Funke Akindele advises upcoming musicians to read their contracts carefully before signing with labels and to stop being desperate to get noticed.

Before contracting with labels, thoroughly review the contracts - Funke Akindele

 This was expressed by the well-known actress, known by her stage name Jennifer, recently in Lagos at the 'She Must Be Obeyed' Prime Video five-part miniseries launch.

Young musicians must exercise caution so as not to subsequently regret their actions, stressed Funke Akinedele.

Young and upcoming musicians must pay close attention to the contents of their contracts in order to understand what they are facing.

"We release material that has an impact on young artists, which is why we developed this series. We hope that when they watch it, they will learn a lot and exercise extreme caution.

"Young artists need to be educated, and we need to plan several seminars and workshops so that they understand how significant they are.

"The young artists are really eager to be seen because they want to show off their potential, but regrettably, they don't read their contracts, hire a lawyer, or have experienced families to educate them.

According to Funke Akindele, "The series will teach them a lot of things that will help them grow and learn the fundamentals in the industry."