No Director, Producer Has Ever Slept With Me - Mercy Asiedu

Veteran actress, Maintains that it is possible to be in the industry as a woman and not sleep around because she has never had to

No Director, Producer Has Ever Slept With Me - Mercy Asiedu
Mercy Asiedu

Mercy Asiedu believes it is possible to be in the Ghanaian entertainment industry and not sleep around for jobs.

The actress said this to caution young and up-coming actresses who are making it a habit of enticing directors and producers with sexual favours in order to gain major roles.

As long as an actress has a God-Factor, she can survive in the industry without having to make a mockery of herself by becoming a sex toy, she claims.

According to her, from experience, not only does a lady demean herself when she agrees to have sex to gain roles, she makes it very difficult for other ladies coming behind her.

“To be a star is not easy. It is not something you rush for, it is God’s favour that can take you there. It is not true that you have to sleep with someone to become a star,” she remarked.

“Throughout my career, no one slept with me. Miracle Films discovered me from Concert Party. Oftentimes, some of the young ones believe they have to sleep with producers and directors to become stars but there are some who slept with these producers and we didn’t see their stardom."

While speaking in an interview on Graphic Showbiz, she used herself as a beacon of hope, emphasising that she never slept her way to the top, adding that exchanging sex for movie roles does not in any way guarantee success.

God's Favour and guidance were her only weapons, she said.

“If you ask for God’s favour and you are really interested and work hard, God’s favour will be upon you and you will become a star. With patience and humility, you will get there."

"The stars you see today did not become so overnight, it is many years of hard work and dedication so be patient, work hard and seek the face of God and at the appointed time, you will get there,”