In the film business, keeping up with the latest trends makes you relevant, says Nollywood actor Michael Uchegbu

Michael Uchegbu, a well-known actor from Nigeria, has emphasised the significance of lifelong learning and adjusting to new trends in order to remain relevant among the fierce competition in the film industry.

In the film business, keeping up with the latest trends makes you relevant, says Nollywood actor Michael Uchegbu

Since learning new things every day is the only way to improve, he urged his coworkers to do the same.

"You can only keep improving if you study something new every day and keep up with emerging trends since the competition is always there.

"You cannot remain unchanging and anticipate being discarded when you have become obsolete and are ignorant of the needs of today's consumers. You have to grow with your skill and learn new things," he said.

When Uchegbu thought back on his time in Ghana—where he even took on the native name Kofi Obrepong—he recalled it as a time of love and hospitality. He indicated that he would like to engage on projects involving the abilities of Ghanaians.

"I have lived and experienced Ghana; the affection there is immense; it is my home. My kind fans are like an extended family to me; I even have a Ghanaian name. All I have to say is that I adore my second home. I'm now writing my own screenplays and will shortly start making my own films.

Maybe I should try out here in Ghana," he continued. The well-known actor, who has starred in films like Deceived Souls, also urged Ghanaian film industry participants to put less effort into competing in Nollywood and more into creating a distinctive identity.

The individual made the observation that Nollywood, which is currently on par with Hollywood and Bollywood, has risen to its current position by perseverance and invention, and that attempting to compete with the business will actually hinder the growth of Ghana's film industry.