Failatu Abdul Razak is named Executive Chef by the Ghana Chefs Association

Chef Failatu Abdul Razak has been awarded the esteemed title of Executive Chef by the Ghana Chefs Association in acknowledgment of her outstanding culinary adventures and dedication to shattering the record for the longest cooking marathon.

Failatu Abdul Razak is named Executive Chef by the Ghana Chefs Association

The news was released on January 5th, when Chef Failatu was specially visited by the Association as part of her Cook-A-Thon bid to beat the record now held by Ugandan chef Dorcus Mirembe. 

Chef Isaac spoke for the Association when he said that they will always support Failatu's project.

"We are here to show our support, honor her, and confer on her the title of Executive Chef in Ghana," Chef Isaac said. 

According to Chef Isaac, the purpose of this distinction is to encourage other chefs to pursue greatness so that they, the Ghana Chefs Association, and the country at large can all receive recognition.

Chef Isaac highlighted the Ghana Chefs Association's global reach by revealing their active involvement in multiple international contests as members of the World Chefs Society.

In the same vein, he emphasized the association's dedication to elevating Ghana's culinary prowess internationally.

A thoughtfully designed citation signed by the president of the Ghana Chefs Association was given to Chef Failatu by the Association as a token of their gratitude. She also received a personalized outfit, signifying her newfound prominence in the food industry. 

The citation reads: “The Ghana Chefs Association wishes to congratulate and recognize your official attempt to break the World Guinness Record for cook-a-thon (the longest cooking marathon).

The entire membership of the Association is solidly behind you in recognition of your outstanding achievement in promoting Ghana’s hospitality industry through the cook-a-thon.

We confer to you the title ‘Executive Chef’, which is the highest rank in our profession. You are now an Executive Chef, Failatu Abdul Razak”.