'Why I Decided To Move My Business From Southeast To Lagos' – Cubana Chief Priest

Cubana Chief Priest lamented that he was forced to leave the southeast because the fear of kidnapping and killing had driven away customers from the East, who previously visited home regularly

'Why I Decided To Move My Business From Southeast To Lagos' – Cubana Chief Priest
Cubana Chief Priest

Entrepreneur and social figure Pascal Okechukwu, famously known as Cubana Chief Priest, has revealed the motive behind his business relocation from the Southeast to Lagos.

In a recent interview with BBC Igbo, the celebrity bartender disclosed that insecurity prompted his decision.

He expressed concern over the rising incidents of kidnapping and violence, which led to a decline in customers visiting his establishment in the East.

This compelled him to seek a safer environment for his business operations.

According to him, “There is widespread hunger in the South-East. It is our own community members who provide criminals with information.

“Our people began targeting the wealthy, so the wealthy stopped returning home during festivities. That’s why I moved to Lagos to conduct my business.”

Meanwhile, Chief Priest, has issued a cautionary note to Nigerians about the stress involved in dealing with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

Soireenews learnt that his advice comes amidst his ongoing legal entanglements with the agency, which has recently seen a possible move towards an out-of-court settlement.

Cubana Chief Priest took to Instagram to share his experiences on the day of his court appearance, expressing the challenges of facing legal scrutiny.