See the initial official announcement from Guinness World Records regarding Chef Faila

Following the first official declaration regarding Chef Faila from Guinness World Records, Ghanaians on the internet are currently feeling festive.

See the initial official announcement from Guinness World Records regarding Chef Faila

On New Year's Eve, Chef Faila began her effort at a cookathon, and she managed to cook for an astounding eleven days and nine hours.

She cooked for an astounding 227 hours and 2 minutes before, following the advise of her doctors, turning off the gas a few hours ago.

In addition to receiving several congratulations from Ghanaians, entertainment critic Olele Salvador praised Chef Faila on Twitter for a job well done.

But while we wait for Guinness World Records to officially declare, Chef Faila will be joining Dorcus Mirembe, also known as Mama D.

A woman from Uganda tried the GWR cookathon for an amazing 144 hours (6 days) from December 23 to December 28, 2023, breaking Alan Fisher's previous record of 119 hours, 57 minutes, and 16 seconds.

If Chef Faila achieves her personal best, she may become the most recent Ghanaian record holder for the most GWR in a single cookathon.