Reasons why men shouldn't date impoverished women

The notion that individuals who are broke shouldn't be in a relationship ought to extend to women as well. This explains why.

Reasons why men shouldn't date impoverished women

 Without money, romance cannot exist. Even if it seems cliche, that is the brutally honest truth. Money is actually necessary for any marriage or relationship to throb with the right kind of enthusiasm.

To swiftly address the definition of being broke. I don't believe there is a standard, accepted measure for it. It's not something that impacts everyone equally; rather, it's more of a personal interpretation. Setting that personal bar and severing ties with those who fall short of it is the deal.

Having said that, it's only fitting to note that I don't believe it's improper for women to make advances toward men who are unable to pay for even the smallest items, particularly if these men are also lacking in the necessary amount of effort. Curving becomes much easier if the individual in issue has a weak, retrogressive, narrow thinking.

Everybody has goals and requirements in a relationship, so I can understand the decision to avoid dating a man who will make things in the relationship more difficult than necessary because of money issues. 

That is not to argue, however, that all "broke" guys ought to be curved. It's acceptable to date a broke person if you believe in his aspirations and are confident in his capacity to move past that situation in the not-too-distant future, just as it's acceptable to curve guys just because they are broke.

Any impoverished, stingy man who also manages to maintain a poor work ethic and mindset shouldn't feel guilty about being curved.

Therefore, no matter how gorgeous, fair-skinned, or plump a woman is, she shouldn't break.

This is where I believe the issue is: women find it difficult to hear this kind of truth. 

However, it must be acknowledged that men possess the same free will as women to determine that a man is bankrupt and unsuitable for a relationship.

They not only possess the ability to think freely, but they also possess the liberty to articulate their thoughts.

Too many women have been satisfied with nothing more than having lovely bodies and looks for far too long.

It appears that some people find it difficult to accept the fact that millennials actively seek out hardworking women and set clear financial expectations for them.

And you know what? If a lady has nothing else going for her and only wants to concentrate on glowing and killing her attractive face, that is totally acceptable. Actually, there is still a market for women who are dependent."...guys who adore trophy wives and stay-at-home mothers still exist, but they are dwindling and getting harder to find with every Saturday that goes by.

"The days when more men didn't mind having women completely rely on them are long gone. Times have changed."