Kuami Eugene alludes to a legal dispute with Mr. Drew over "Case"

According to Kuami Eugene, he has spoken with attorneys about not receiving credit for a song he wrote.

Kuami Eugene alludes to a legal dispute with Mr. Drew over "Case"

The Ghanaian musician was questioned about any problems he might have with his industry colleagues during a podcast interview by Kojo Manuel, and he recounted his experience with a particular event surrounding the song "Case."

Kuami Eugene claims to have composed the song for Mr. Drew, but neither proper credit nor royalties have been given.

"I do have an issue with someone right now; they believe I'm weak because I let things go so easy. They believe that I won't mind if they don't pay me my royalties, he said.

Kuami Eugene detailed his worries, saying that even though he wrote the entire hook for the popular song from beginning to end and told Mr. Drew about it, the latter surprised him by not returning his messages.

Kuami Eugene claims he had nothing to do with the song's release.

Kuami Eugene expressed his worry in further detail without naming anyone in particular and stated that he had discussed the situation with his attorney. Actually, I've forwarded it to my attorney. It will be revealed if my lawyer finishes our chat with him," he stated.

Kuami Eugene went on to list other occasions in which he made significant contributions to popular songs but did not receive any royalties.

"I can tell you that the nation has had a lot of major hits, but I didn't even receive one Cedi from any of them. It's unfair because they all know, he said.

Kuami Eugene made a comparison between this experience and working with Nigerian artists, highlighting the fact that Nigerian performers uphold their commitments. In fact, he is still receiving payments for his 2020 appearance on CKay's "Love Nwantiti."