Having a big stomach is not life-threatening – Plastic surgery consultant

He revealed that after surgery, one can eat any food but it is advisable to see a dietitian for them to prescribe the quantity of food that should be consumed and add exercise to it.

Having a big stomach is not life-threatening – Plastic surgery consultant

 Dr. Kwame Abrokwaa-Yankyera, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Chairman, and Lead Surgeon at Graft Foundation, explains that while having a large stomach is not necessarily dangerous, some larger ones can be fatal.

On the GTV Breakfast Show, he revealed this.

Recently, a woman with a flat stomach has become the standard, and individuals don't appear to feel terrible or afraid about having surgery to get the figure "eight" form or flat stomach that attracts the opposing sex.

 Since they cannot afford the surgery or are concerned about the long-term effects, people with big stomachs are forced to wear cossets or tummy bands to suck their stomachs in.

However, Dr. Abrokwaa-Yankyera has explained that although having a big stomach is not life-threatening, some stomachs are, especially the very big ones because it makes breathing very difficult.

He explained that foods consumed are converted into sugar and oils, if the sugar turns to be more than what the body needs, for maintenance and energy requirements, the excess is stored which makes the tummy big as time goes on and the more the reason one needs to exercise more often.

He revealed that after surgery, one can eat any food but it is advisable to see a dietitian for them to prescribe the quantity of food that should be consumed and add exercise to it.

According to him, foods eaten are converted into sugar and oils. If the body produces more sugar than it needs for maintenance and energy needs, the excess is stored and over time, this causes the stomach to grow larger, which is why it's important to exercise more frequently.

He said that while everyone can eat anything after surgery, it is best to visit a dietician so they can advise on how much food to eat and how to combine it with exercise.