France to deport French-born imam to Morocco

Although he had made "retrograde comments," his attorney claimed that he did not pose a threat to public order.

France to deport French-born imam to Morocco
French-born Hassan Iquioussen holds Moroccan citizenship

A French-born imam who is suspected of using hate speech will be deported to Morocco, according to France's top administrative court.

Hassan Iquioussen, a Moroccan citizen, had his deportation earlier halted by judges in Paris.

The interior ministry had ordered his expulsion in July because of what it described as his "particularly vitriolic and anti-Semitic remarks" and sermons encouraging women to "submit" to men.

Although he had made "retrograde comments," his attorney claimed that he did not pose a threat to public order.

Gerald Darmanin, the interior minister, called Tuesday's ruling "a major triumph for the country," nonetheless.