Don't compete; learn from Nollywood - Michael Uchegbu to Ghana filmmakers

Michael Uchegbu, a popular Nigerian actor, has advised Ghanaian movie industry players to focus on developing a distinct identity rather than competing with Nollywood.

Don't compete; learn from Nollywood - Michael Uchegbu to Ghana filmmakers

He emphasized that Nollywood, which is now competing with Hollywood and Bollywood, rose to prominence by tireless effort and invention, and that attempting to compete with the business will stifle the growth of Ghana's film industry.

"The GH movie industry is not making much development because to a lack of motivation among its players to pursue global success, which is impeding its expansion. So it's wiser to learn from Nollywood rather than trying to compete with them.

"Ghanaian filmmakers might learn from Nollywood's experiences and practices to help them overcome the industry's current issues.

They should also strategize to grow the industry by making excellent films that can achieve international recognition rather than competing with Nollywood," he added.

He also stressed the need of investment, hard effort, and collaboration in the development of Ghana's film industry.

"Nigeria's movie industry is much advanced in my perspective since we are a go-getting people, but Ghanaians are more peaceful and tranquil, so I believe the best way forward is to learn from one another and build each other up.

Ghana and Nigeria should not compete if we are to create Africa and our various sectors," he said.