Celebs have feelings of insecurities so don’t body shame us —Selina Boateng

Selina Boateng, a gospel singer, has launched a campaign to combat the practice of body shaming women, particularly those who are in the public eye due to trolls on social media.

Celebs have feelings of insecurities so don’t body shame us —Selina Boateng

Selina is pleading with social media trolls to stop their hurtful behavior and reminding them of the real-world repercussions of their conduct. Selina has had her fair share of body shaming.

Selina, who is respected for both her skill and her strong moral convictions, has chosen to offer her voice to this cause and utilize her platform to spread awareness of the significance of treating celebrities with empathy and respect.

The Alpha & Omega singer addressed the detrimental effects that body shaming can have on people, regardless of their celebrity or success, in an interview with Graphic Showbiz.

She emphasized that people should approach celebrities with love and understanding since they have feelings and insecurities just like everyone else.

"Body shaming has impacts that are not just visible to the public. They affect social beliefs about self-esteem and body image, and this harmful behavior must end. 

Every celebrity has a human being with feelings, insecurities, and vulnerabilities hiding behind their public persona. In addition to harming someone's image, making fun of someone's appearance also has an impact on their mental and emotional health, she continued.

The singer, who has previously spoken out about her own issues with body image, agreed that body positivity was crucial and that no one should have to deal with insulting remarks about their appearance.

When asked how far she planned to take her initiative, Selina revealed that her support of body acceptance went beyond her online persona. In order to solve the problem, she intended to cooperate with other artists to arrange workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns.

Celebrities continue to have a significant impact on social media, but if we work together, we can create a more constructive online environment. I've come to understand that music has the ability to affect people's hearts and shift viewpoints.

"As artists, it is our duty to uphold moral principles and contribute to the creation of a welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of appearance.

Boateng added passionately, "Music has the potential to touch people's emotions and change attitudes. "As artists, it is our duty to uphold moral principles and contribute to the creation of a welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of appearance.