Loads of cash discovered at Cecilia Dapaah's residence

Officials have been tight-lipped about the exact amount recovered, citing the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation.

Loads of cash discovered at Cecilia Dapaah's residence

Loads of cash in cedis were discovered at Cecilia Dapaah's residence Investigators under the Office of the Special Prosecutor have made a jaw-dropping discovery at the residence of Cecilia Dapaah, the former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources.

The report indicates that a humongous sum of uncountable cedis has been found, leaving officials astounded and requiring nearly 5 hours to tally the massive amount.

The ongoing probe has taken an unexpected twist as investigators delved into the financial affairs of the ex-minister.

The unanticipated discovery of such a substantial cash hoard has raised eyebrows and sparked fervent speculation about its origin and purpose.

Officials have been tight-lipped about the exact amount recovered, citing the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation.

However, reliable sources suggest that it could be one of the most substantial cash finds in recent times. Cecilia Dapaah could face criminal charges for keeping huge amounts of money at home.