Kenyans making illicit liquor in Arab nations - minister

According to him, Kenyans engaging in illicit activity undermine the government's efforts to address concerns about the wellbeing of its nationals abroad.

Kenyans making illicit liquor in Arab nations - minister

According to Alfred Mutua, the foreign minister of Kenya, there are people from the country producing illegal alcohol in Arab nations where it is prohibited.

In an interview with local television station Citizen TV, he remarked, "It crushes my heart. There are Kenyans there with chang'aa dens, selling chang'aa to other Africans, an illegality of illegalities in a Muslim country.

According to him, Kenyans engaging in illicit activity undermine the government's efforts to address concerns about the wellbeing of its nationals abroad.

In response to worries that some Kenyans were having trouble, he mentioned tales of maltreatment of those working in the Middle East.

He claimed that the administration was making every effort to enhance the welfare of Kenyans living there.

When he first went to Saudi Arabia soon after being named a minister, he claimed that he did not think the situation there was as "terrible as it seems."

When they travel there, some Kenyans participate in illegal and criminal activity, which is the problem, he claimed.