Hands Off Our Hotels Demo To Rock Akufo-Addo Tomorrow In Accra

Hands Off Our Hotels Demo To Rock Akufo-Addo Tomorrow In Accra
ORGANISERS of tomorrow’s ‘Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration’ have announced readiness for the upcoming demonstration against the sale of Social Security and National Insurance Trust’s (SSNIT) 60% stake in four hotels to Rock City Hotel, owned by Member of Parliament (MP) for Abetifi Bryan Acheampong.

At a crowded press conference today in Accra, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu Constituency in the Volta Region, Honourable Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, noted that they secured public notice from the Ghana Police Service about the planned demonstration, which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2024.
The press engagement was attended by members of Minority Caucus in Parliament, TUC, Federation of Labour, United GaDangme Caucus, Coalition of La Youth Associations, Ghana Action Network and Arise Ghana. 
The MP stressed that all is ready for the June 18 protest. 
The press engagement was addressed by
 the Minority Caucus in Parliament, TUC, Federation of Labour, United GaDangme Caucus, Coalition of La Youth Associations, Ghana Action Network and Arise Ghana. 
"See you at Labadi Beach Hotel tomorrow, where we shall begin our march to save our cherished and valuable national hotels," the MP told Ghanaians.

Honourable Ablakwa has been vocal in opposing the sale, citing a lack of due process and violation of procurement procedures. He has also petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) to investigate the sale of the hotels owned by SSNIT.
Bryan Acheampong who doubles as the Minister for Agriculture claims that Ablakwa is tarnishing his image.
The demonstration, dubbed “Hands Off Our Hotels”, will commence at the Labadi Beach Hotel, proceed through La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, and end at the Jubilee House, where a petition will be presented to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Mr Ablakwa stated that all is set for the intended demonstration.
According to Ablakwa, discussions with the Ghana Police Service have been concluded, and the necessary arrangements have been made to ensure a peaceful protest.

This follows a meeting with the Greater Accra Regional Police Commander, DCOP Arhin Kwasi Annor, on Wednesday, June 12.
“All is set for the ‘Hands Off Our Hotels Demonstration.’ Yesterday, we concluded discussions with the Ghana Police Service at a meeting in the office of the Greater Accra Regional Police Commander, DCOP Arhin Kwasi Annor.”