Fred Amugi on the power battle in the Actors Guild harming business

The Actors Guild of Ghana's leadership dispute has been the subject of ongoing litigation, which the Ghanaian actor Fred Amugi has expressed his displeasure with since it hinders the development of the film industry.

Fred Amugi on the power battle in the Actors Guild harming business

According to him, the industry has slowed down since there isn't a strong and efficient leadership to guide its operations.

The guild has not had the opportunity to elect new executives since the death of its president, Reverend Eddie Coffie, in 2016.

This has prevented the guild from having the leadership it needs to oversee business matters within the profession and look out for the welfare of performers.

On Monday, May 20, 2024, Mr. Amugi expressed his hope that the Guild will resolve its disagreements and rebuild itself in an interview with Graphic Showbiz.

The film business operates similarly to other industries. It has highs and lows. But, there have been problems with power struggles and confrontations for the past few years, particularly within the Ghana Actors Guild.

Because the work being generated is not being verified, this has resulted in a drop in productivity and quality. We are fortunate that DStv offers Akwaaba Magic, which has given our movies a platform.

They've been helpful and cooperative in our collaboration, and the movies they screen are excellent. We will gain from their support if we continue to produce high-caliber movies.

Regretfully, Nigeria's cinema sector outpaces ours. With subscription-based streaming services like Netflix, they have more options, and we need to collaborate to catch up, he said.

Additionally, Mr. Amugi expressed his worries about the industry's lack of cooperation and teamwork, which he feels is impeding the creation of superior movies that can successfully compete globally. "Ghana's film industry need cohesion.

Everyone is working alone at the moment because they are worried about being copied. But the reality is that regardless of our level of knowledge, there is always someone who knows more.

He remarked, "If we band together in harmony, we could create amazing movies that highlight our various skills and viewpoints.

He emphasized, "If we stick together, we might even win enough recognition in prestigious awards like the Africa Magic Viewer's Choice Awards (AMVCA)."