Call for December in GH events to start early –GTA Boss

The invitation to event organizers for the December in Ghana celebrations would go out early this year, according to Mr. Akwasi Agyeman, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), to allow them enough time for flawless planning.

Call for December in GH events to start early –GTA Boss

To meet the growing enthusiasm among attendees, event organizers will submit their programs in March this year rather than the customary May or June.

The decision is a reaction to concerns expressed, mostly by international community members and diasporans, who pointed out that there isn't enough time in the current schedule for preparation.

In a special conversation with Graphic Showbiz, Mr. Agyeman recognized the legitimacy of these worries and emphasized the necessity of resolving them.

He pointed out that this year's early call will help individuals hoping to take part in the celebrations plan better, especially in terms of travel and event preparation.

People informed us that because the travel cycle takes time, they need enough time to determine whether to visit a destination and make the necessary preparations. We hope to send out the first request for event organizers this year by March so they have enough time to get replies from all across the world," he said.

He claims that talks are in progress to involve other corporate groups, with an emphasis on reducing the financial strain on event organizers.

The issues raised by numerous event organizers regarding sponsorship underscore the need for increased involvement from business companies. It is imperative to enhance the allure of December in Ghana for corporate Ghana in order to foster their participation. We also intend to work with other organizations, such as assemblies," he added.

The decision to start planning sooner and obtain more sponsorships is intended to guarantee a more seamless December in GH celebration, increasing its accessibility and appeal to both local and foreign attendees.

The head of GTA shared his thoughts on the just concluded celebrations, stating that the December 2023 celebrations in Ghana were a great success and contributed significantly to the nation's economy. However, he was unable to provide specific numbers since they were still being tallied.

He claimed that the recently concluded celebrations had a beneficial effect on the local economy, pointing to a rise in tourism and increased awareness from across the world since the December in GH program began in 2019.