Ras Kuuku: Most "beefs" in the industry are staged for media attention

According to Ghanaian reggae/dancehall performer Ras Kuuku, most disputes amongst Ghanaian musicians are PR stunts rather than real tensions in the music business.

Ras Kuuku: Most "beefs" in the industry are staged for media attention

The Wo crooner claimed in an interview with Cape Coast-based Property FM that artists, including himself, have no ill will toward peers and that the so-called "beefs" are frequently staged for commercial gain, citing examples in which artists themselves acknowledge staging controversy to gain more exposure.

"It's all about love amongst the musicians because sometimes even those who are beefing say during interviews that it's staged for trends." 

He said, "So most of these perceived beefs among us might be business, but I'm not sure that there is genuinely any misunderstanding between Ghanaian artistes." He asked viewers to distinguish between sincere arguments and staged drama.

Ras Kuuku addressed artists who claimed to be at odds with their peers, speculating that the conflicts may be caused by personal agendas or local grievances. 

He persisted in saying that there isn't any underlying animosity in the business and urged supporters to treat reported arguments with caution.

"So the fans should know that particular thing, but if you are an artiste and you have ill feelings about your colleagues, then it's your own palava," Ras Kuuku said.