Nigeria's name should be changed, according to a presidential candidate.

He listed Ghana, Kenya, Benin, and Togo as examples of African countries that changed their "colonially induced" titles after independence, adding that "identity is everything."

Nigeria's name should be changed, according to a presidential candidate.

Adamu Garba, a presidential candidate in Nigeria, wants to alter the country's name to "the Nigritian Federation" or simply Nigritia.

If he wins the election, he says the name change will be one of the reforms he pursues.

In February 2023, Nigeria will have its presidential election.

"How about we rebrand this country, federalize it properly, and call it the "Nigritian Federation" or just NIGRITIA?" After all, before Lady Lugard called it Nigeria, we were known as Nigritia," Mr. Garba tweeted.

"It is past time to rid ourselves of negative stereotypes, reorganize ourselves, and return our country from our colonial identities and divisions to our concepts of unity, integration, tolerance, and cohesion," he continued.

He listed Ghana, Kenya, Benin, and Togo as examples of African countries that changed their "colonially induced" titles after independence, adding that "identity is everything."