World Mental Health Day: How Relationships Are Affected by Depression

Relationships with friends and family can suffer if you live with depression. However, there are strategies for navigating social interaction while controlling your disease.

World Mental Health Day: How Relationships Are Affected by Depression

 The difficulties of living with depression include overcoming obstacles to forming and preserving meaningful connections.

In a 2015 study, couples reported that depression had the following negative effects on their love relationships:

emotional burden

sexual closeness and romance

Lack of motivation/energy due to isolation in communication

reliance on the relationship ignorance of the situation uncertainty

The study also discovered that participants' accounts of how depression affected their relationship varied depending on both their own and their partner's levels of depression.

 What relationship issues might depression bring about?

Depression can have a variety of effects on your relationship, whether you are depressed yourself or are in a relationship or friendship with someone who is.

 Romantic connections

The difficulties in a relationship are exacerbated by numerous depressive symptoms, such as exhaustion, poor energy, loss of interest in activities, and irritability, according to Sarah Salzman, PhD, couples psychologist and founder of Couples Communication Institute.

"Instead of being drawn closer together, you may suddenly feel pushed apart from your companion. When you're [going through spells of sadness], it might be difficult to muster the energy and goodwill necessary to maintain healthy relationships, Salzman tells Psych Central.

Nothing frequently seems appealing during a depressive episode, and you frequently lack the energy or interest to do anything with your partner. Therefore, when your partner asks for something, it could feel difficult, burdensome, or even irritable

"Sexual interest might also fade at times. You might wish to isolate yourself and avoid discussing your problems with your lover. Asking for assistance can be difficult at times because you can feel unworthy or guilty about how you're feeling, according to Salzman.

Other connections

You can be much less motivated to spend time with friends and family and find it more difficult to be productive at work during depressive episodes.

"You might feel like declining invites and withdrawing from the people you value... Activities that may have formerly attracted you frequently no longer sound enticing, or the effort required to participate feels like it would require more energy than you have available, according to Salzman.

 Guidelines for reducing the detrimental effects of depression on relationships

Although difficult, the following strategies can improve your connections.

Romantic relationships

Understand your depression

Salzman says depression is a symptom of many kinds of imbalances.

“It’s like a red warning light on your own personal dashboard — time to figure out what the warning is trying to tell you,” she says.

Salzman suggests looking into:

sleep habits

quality of food

stress levels

exercise habits

hormone imbalances

the impact of head or spine injuries

infections that could be harming you, such as those caused by parasites, germs, viruses, or mold

"Antidepressant medication shouldn't be the first choice until you've worked on figuring out what knocked you out of balance to begin with," she advises.

Be honest with your partner

Tell your lover specifics about your mental state.

"You need to stop the internal dialogue that will be telling you that you shouldn't bother your partner or that you feel too ashamed. Talk to your partner with the other half of you that values and loves your partner and your relationship, Salzman advises.

She advises picking the time of day when you feel most energetic and telling your spouse that you need them to listen as you discuss your concerns.

Request what you require

Asking for assistance from your partner might keep you close.

According to Salzman, most spouses are thankful to be able to assist their loved one rather than feeling like a burden.

You could be tempted to reject all of your partner's suggestions, even though they may include some. However, it's a good idea to keep the lines of communication open by informing them the proposals that appear most feasible for you.

If a suggestion seems somewhat intriguing but also too difficult, Salzman advises telling your partner what kind of assistance you'd require to make it happen.