Bono Regional Deputy Youth Organiser Tours Some Limited Voter Registration Centres

Commander Copson has been very strategic and effective on grounds, ensuring that the NDC gets the majority of the newly registrants under the jurisdiction of the mentioned region.

Bono Regional Deputy Youth Organiser Tours Some Limited Voter Registration Centres
On Thursday May, 23 2024, some registration centres within Bono region, precisely, Berekum East and West, Dormaa Central and West witnessed the presence of Mustapha Omar Copson, Deputy Youth Organiser for Bono Region.

Commander Copson has been very strategic and effective on grounds, ensuring that the NDC gets the majority of the newly registrants under the jurisdiction of the mentioned region.
Aside, the untold tireless effort by Commander Copson within the region, he decided to move to every registration centre to monitor what is happening although he is in touch with our representatives at all the centres.

Commander Copson at the various centres, motivated our party agents and ensured them that their toil will never be in vain in the next government of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama. 
He also interacted with the people who came to register and alerted them of their civic duty to return His Excellency John Dramani to build the Ghana we all want.
Commander Copson did not overlook officers of the Electoral Commission and the security personnel at every centre he visited, as he had a fruitful interaction with them. 
He charged them to discharge their duty impartially to ensure peaceful election and deepens our democratic credentials.
Constituency youth wing within the region has been very instrumental in this exercise, as a result, commander Copson donated five million old cedis [500 cedis] to the each constituency youth wing in every Constituency he visited. 
He also applauded the youth organisers for their continuous efforts for our collective gain. 
Every Constituency he visited, the story was not far from what we hear from others region. The problem remains unstable supply of electricity [Dumso]. Interrupted network connection. 
Commander Mustapha Omar Copson was accompanied by some regional executives, precisely, deputy youth organiser for Sunyani east constituency, Amponsah Gyamfi Vincent, comrade Stephen Gyau, member of finance Committee of the regional youth wing, Gari Lysander, member of the Bono regional communication team and folk of regional youth working committee on special duties, and Freda Ohene Addo, member of the regional youth working committee.
The effort to return the elephant back to where it belongs [opposition] and bring His Excellency John Dramani Mahama to Jubilee House is the sole mission.  The mission continuous.