Watching our son take his last breath- Parents complained after tumor killed their son

The tumor became bigger and bigger that, they have to start sending their son to different Hospitals. In one particular hospital, he was scanned and in the scan, it was realized that he had a tumor in the mouth.

Watching our son take his last breath- Parents complained after tumor killed their son

23rd December 2000, was when the parents are celebrating the birthday of their second-born Sengurore Patient. It was a happy day, he was born normal and was brought up with a normal life.

He was not a person who always fall sick easily, but at the beginning of this year, something just started happening that ended up breaking the hearts of many.

It all happened as a skin rash on the mouth and they could not take it seriously, the skin rash swell and kept swelling and turned into a tumor, that parents are now afraid of.

Because of this, they started a journey by sending their child to different hospitals, the father said, it was in December that his son was in school he had a happy life with friends and colleagues but now, everything turned upside down.

The tumor became bigger and bigger that, they have to start sending their son to different Hospitals. In one particular hospital, he was scanned and in the scan, it was realized that he had a tumor in the mouth.

The situation started becoming worse. It was swelling day and night to the extent that, he have to prepare for surgery. Aframax TV paid a visit to the family after they’ve gathered some funds from across the world. It was becoming very scary that, his parents are having the fear of losing him.

The mouth swells big and bigger to the stand that they cannot differentiate between the mouth and the nose the smell he has is indescribable.

He has taken to the hospital and the treatments were all going well. The father after everything thanked Afrimax TV for their love and care for the family.

There was an improvement in his health gradually, and everybody was like he’s going to survive. His parent together with everyone saw his recovery process as a miracle. Three days after, he could now communicate with his parents and watch television and eat by himself.

But something unexpected happened. He kicked the bucket, leaving his brother and the parent in sorrow. His death reaches the public together with everyone across the globe and successfully With a lot of condolences, they took the death in joy, since it was not easy through the recovery process.

He has been buried in peace without any misunderstanding between the family or anyone.