Tanzanian stadiums are set to be subsidized, according to plans.

John Mrema of the Chadema party called on parliament to reject the idea, stating that using taxpayers' money to repair privately held infrastructure was inappropriate.

Tanzanian stadiums are set to be subsidized, according to plans.

Tanzania's opposition parties have slammed the government's proposal to refurbish stadiums with taxpayer funds, including ones held by the ruling CCM party.

Tanzania is working to improve its sporting facilities to qualify for major tournaments such as the Africa Cup of Nations in 2027.

The minister for culture and sport urged parliament to authorize an amount of 10 billion shillings ($4.2 million; £3.4 million) to restore seven playgrounds, five of which belong to CCM while presenting his ministry's budget projections.

Members of the opposition have reacted angrily, describing the scheme as theft of public monies.

The government should restore ownership of the grounds before rebuilding them, according to a representative for the opposition ACT Wazalendo party.

John Mrema of the Chadema party called on parliament to reject the idea, stating that using taxpayers' money to repair privately held infrastructure was inappropriate.

The ministry has defended the proposal, claiming that Tanzanians, not just CCM members, will use the facilities.