Our Foundation is Christ, Money Doesn’t Bother Us - Daughters of Glorious Jesus

Gospel group, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, maintain that money is not the motivation for their performances

Our Foundation is Christ, Money Doesn’t Bother Us - Daughters of Glorious Jesus
Daughters of Glorious Jesus

Daughters of Glorious Jesus have made it clear to its critics that the gospel of Christ is its major priority.

According to the trio, money is good for earthly activities but it puts a lot into ministering on stage because the major pillar of its music is Christ Jesus.

“There is more blessing, not money, money is part of the blessing”. It maintained. 

Having been on the music scene for more than 30 years, the trio shared its experiences where they have finished a very powerful music ministration and they only got “thank you, God bless you” for it. 

“We are blessed, our foundation is steeped in Christ so money doesn’t bother us as such, it could be that you will call us to perform today without pay but if you call us tomorrow we shall return to perform."

"This is because there could be just one person that God will use our ministration to save, what we do not like is that because of money, we wouldn’t be able to perform at a program we were meant to minister, that’s what we abhor”.

“There was one instance we met a very popular musician at a program who asked us: so you guys are coming to perform here without your cheque been handed to you? Or is it because of the people gathered here that you guys want to perform?"

"We answered in the affirmative that yes we are here to perform because if the audience is made up of ten or twenty people, it could be that it’s only one person that God wants us to touch with our music” 
“To us, money is good but money is not everything, if God through our music saves people, that means a lot to us than everything,” they said to Giovani Caleb on Showbiz 360 on TV3.