Nana Poku Obrempong Dwomoh, who is a husband of former parliamentary aspirant of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Gomoa East Constituency of the Central Region, Mrs Jasmine Brempong Dwomo, has refuted wide spread allegations that their legal marriage is on the blink of collapse as a result of his wife appointment as the Central Regional Director of Protocol of the NDC.
Rumor peddling concerning the state of the couple’s marriage is festering as various news portals have been reporting about it.
Per the rumors, the two couples are on the blink of separating and their crisis rising out of the former parliamentary candidate aspirant’s exposure to high rank party officers in the Central Region.
Stories published by some news portals are suggesting that Mrs Jasmine Brempong Dwomo’s current position as the Central Regional director of protocol of the NDC was attained by extending sexual favors to unnamed top executives of the party and also cited the couple’s recent court appearances.
But speaking at a media engagement husband of the former PC aspirant, Nana Poku Obrempong Dwomoh dispelled the allegations and said they were doing fine with their marriage.
He strongly maintains that his wife’s appointment was motivated by her competence and far more from anything else.
The rumors according to him is politically motivated and an attempt to smear his wife’s image to derail her future chances.
Mr. Brempong strongly condemned the practice of attributing the success of career women to sex exchanges as he believes it does not encourage many women to strife for frontline roles.